Capstone Project Proposal Form
Student Name: Major:
Term: Fall Spring Year: 20
Submit a signed original and an electronic version to the Honors Program Director at michellep@usca.edu.
Project Title:
Project Supervisor/Mentor:
Project Abstract: Provide a brief (250 word) overview of your project. Include background,
objectives, methodlogy, expected results, and timeline. You may use a separate sheet if necessary.
Honors Students are expected, with the aid of a Faculty Mentor, to develop a research-based project that includes goals,
objectives, or hypotheses; experimental design, data collection, and analysis, or in the case of the arts, an appropriate creative
project. All Honors Students are expected to present their results or artistic performance in a 12-15 minute presentation at the
end of the semester.
Signatures: Student:
Faculty mentor:
Department/Unit Head of Student’s Major:
IRB/Animal Testing Approval Required: Yes No Obtained: Yes No