Project Title: Repaving Program 2018-2022 Project #: 201416
Department: Public Works - Highways Project Type: Repaving
Phase: Program Project Road Name: Various
Budget Action:
C - $ Update C – Rev Update
Manager: Allison Bussler, DPW Director
December 4, 2020
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Project Phase
Expenditure Budget $4,450,000 $3,870,000 $2,700,000 $4,700,000 $4,300,000 $20,020,000
Revenue Budget $559,000
$725,000 $860,000 $1,040,000 $690,000 $3,874,000
Net Costs After Revenues Applied $3,891,000 $3,145,000 $1,840,000 $3,660,000 $3,610,000 $16,146,000
County Highway Improvement Program (CHIP)
and CHIP-D (Discretionary)
Hwy Paving General Transportation Aid (GTA)
Paver Study
& Shouldering Total CHIP CHIP-D GTA Donation Total
2018 $50,000 $4,400,000 $4,450,000 2018 $330,000 $229,000 $0 $0 $559,000
2019 $50,000 $3,820,000 $3,870,000 2019 $330,000 $0 $325,000 $70,000 $725,000
2020 $50,000 $2,650,000 $2,700,000 2020 $330,000 $260,000 $270,000 $0 $860,000
2021 $50,000 $4,650,000 $4,700,000 2021 $330,000 $260,000 $450,000
$0 $1,040,000
2022 $50,000
$4,250,000 $4,300,000 2022 $330,000 $260,000 $100,000 $0 $690,000
Total Project Cost $250,000 $19,770,000 $20,020,000 Total Revenue $1,650,000 $1,009,000 $1,145,000 $70,000 $3,874,000
*Includes $350,000 of GTA received above budget in 2018, appropriated as Capital Project Fund balance.
Project Scope & Description
The project involves resurfacing or rehabilitation of county trunk highways to remove distressed areas and provide improved
riding surfaces. It is the Department of Pubic Work’s goal to pave approximately 20 lane miles of roadway on an annual basis.
Crush, relay and surface or other alternative methods will be used as necessary in lieu of a simple patch and overlay. The
project includes the cost of the ongoing Pavement Inspection Program, which determines the sections of highways to be
repaved, along with the cost of shouldering, and parking lots at the department’s substation facilities. Project funding was
accelerated in the 2019-2023 capital plan, moving $1,000,000 from 2020 to 2019, to balance resources in the overall five-year
capital plan. The 2021-2025 Capital Plan increases expenses by $500,000 in 2021 to cover repaving needs. Beginning in 2019,
a portion of the state’s allocation of General Transportation Aid (GTA) revenue is budgeted to cover repaving project
expenditures. GTA revenues are reduced in 2021 and 2022 by $100,000 each year due to lower revenues received. Inflation
and a reduced number of highway capital projects has caused a gradual reduction in the number of lane miles paved and hence
the average pavement condition rating has declined.
During 2019, the budget was amended through an ordinance (173-96), incre
asing expenditures $70,000 in order to pave a five-
foot portion of the shoulders along CTH DR (Golf Road) from the Delafield city limits to Maple Avenue in the town of Delafield.
This project is funded with $70,000 of donation revenue.
Location: Various locatio
ns throughout the county.
Analysis of Need: The Department of Public Works presently maintains about 400 centerline miles of roadways on the county
trunk system. The typical useful life of pavement is 15 years. The department reconstructed existing two-lane roadways to four-
lane facilities. These four-lane facilities are now coming to the end of their design life and need repaving. As asphalt pavements
age, the surface tends to rut and crack due to vehicle loads and weathering of the asphalt. The department has initiated a
pavement management program, using Cartegraph’s Pavementview software to rate pavement conditions and manage
pavement projects. The average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of asphaltic pavements in 2019 was 62. It is the intention of
this project to continue to maintain and improve current pavement conditions. Resurfacing projects take into consideration the
PCI of existing pavements and classification of the road. The PCI ratings are updated on a rolling three-year schedule.
Spot repairs and patching. The result will be a slight delay in the deterioration of the system.
Resurface roadways based on pavement conditions determined by the PAVER pavement management system and
Department review.
Ongoing Operating Costs: The cost of maintaining a two-lane roadway in good condition is projected to cost about $7,000
per mile annually.
Previous Action: Approved as a new project in the 2014-18 capital plan. Approved as planned in 2015-2019 Capital Plan.
Approved as planned in the 2016-2020 Capital Plan. Approved with cost updates and accelerated in the 2017-2021 Capital
Plan. Approved with cost and revenue updates in the 2018-2022 capital plan. Accelerated with cost and revenue updates in
the 2019-2023 capital plan. Approved to accept a donation through ordinance (173-96) during 2019. Approved with revenue
update in the 2020 – 2024 capital plan.
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