Office: 530-741-6992
Campus Life
Club Charter Packet
This packet contains:
Club Charter Application
Club Budget Worksheet
Sample Constitution Sample
Agenda and Minutes Sample
Clubs may be started with a minimum of four students and one advisor (advisor may be certificated,
management or classified). Students who are having difficulty finding an advisor may contact Campus
Life for assistance. In order to be legally authorized by the District a student club must have a) club
advisor, b) club approved charter, c) Club Charter approved by the Associated Student group at
the campus where it originated. For this to occur, the following items must be submitted to Campus
1. Club Charter Application
2. Club Budget Worksheet
3. Constitution with minutes approving Club Charter Application and its contents
Approved clubs may use Yuba Community College District facilities free of charge provided they
receive approval through appropriate channels. Club activities and meetings must be approved through
Campus Life at Yuba College, and the Administration Office at the Clear Lake Campus. Following
campus specific guidelines, banners and fliers may be posted on district property.
Clubs are assigned a financial account through the Associated Students; it is the responsibility of the
club to use this account exclusively for all monetary transactions. Clubs are not permitted to have petty
cash or slush funds. All income and expenditures are processed through Campus Life, Yuba College.
All clubs are required to abide by state laws, YCCD Policies and Procedures, the Student Code of
Conduct and requirements set forth by Campus Life and the Associated Students.
Print Form
Campus Life
Associated Student Club Charter
Request to:
Application Date:
Academic Year:
Club Name:
Begin Student Club
Renew Student Club
One-year Charter
Two-year Charter
Office Use Only
Date Received:
Return to Club:
To AS:
Date Approved:
Recorded by:
Club President's Signature
Advisor's Signature
Membership Information
Club Name:
Officers for Current Academic Year
Best Tele:
Colleague ID:
City, State, Zip:
City, State, Zip:
Best Tele:Address:
Colleague ID:Vice Pres:
City, State, Zip:
Best Tele:Address:
Colleague ID:Secretary:
City, State, Zip:
Best Tele:Address:
Colleague ID:Treasurer:
City, State, Zip:
Best Tele:Address:
Colleague ID:Activities:
For verification, list member names with Colleague ID
Name: ID: Name: ID:
Student Club Budget
Club Name:
Fiscal/School Year:
Fund Raising
ESTIMATED INCOME..................................................................................+
3. SUBTOTAL of beginning & estimated income
Fund Raising
Consult Fees
5. ESTIMATED ending balance
ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES....................................................................-
Club President:
Signature Print Date
Yuba College
Licensed Vocational Nursing Student Association
We, the members of the Licensed Vocational Student Association (LVN) in order to:
1 Act as a unified council promoting and supporting the purpose of a Vocational Nursing Student
Association as a learning experience;
2 Meet the members' needs, either academic or social, through discussion at regular meetings;
3 Become the link of communication between the Associated Students, College Administration
and members;
4 Provide students with a unified voice to state their opinions on issues concerning the nursing
environment or the college,
Do hereby submit ourselves to be governed by the following Constitution:
Article I Name
Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Licensed Vocational Student Association,
Yuba College, hereinafter referred to as LVN.
Article II Objective
Section 1 To promote the general welfare of students living at or participating in the Vocational
Nursing program by providing opportunities for effective self-government, through a representative
body of students interacting with other groups and organizations (on and off campus) involved with
or pertaining to college life.
Section 2 To develop, provide, implement, and continually work to improve a central body for
the conduct of business and policies pertaining to all LVN members.
Section 3 To organize and promote participation in events and activities of LVN, Yuba College
and its affiliated organizations by providing opportunities for educational and social growth, for
scholastic achievement, and the for development of recreational and cultural activities.
The underlined/bolded areas of this sample
must be included as sections of all club constitutions.
You can use the descriptions provided; or edit the descriptions
as necessary to fit individual club needs.
Section 4 To provide members with a voice to air their concerns and ideas about the Vocational
Nursing program and campus issues that may, or may not, impact them.
Article III Membership
Section 1 Membership shall include any (insert campus: "Clear Lake Campus: or "Yuba
College" member who is in good standing, including students, faculty and staff.
Section 2 No vote is necessary for approval of membership. All members shall have full voice and
voting privileges.
Section 3 Any person interested in upholding and promoting the purposes of LVN is eligible for
membership upon attending two meetings, verified by roll call sign-in each semester.
Clause 1 Members are classified as either active or inactive. To be active members must
participate in LVN meetings at least once a month. Members who do not participate in LVN
meetings for a period longer than 90 days are automatically classified as inactive.
Article IV Executive Officers
Section 1 Executive Officers are elected to office by LVN active members within three weeks of
beginning of fall semester. The process can be either open or secret ballot. Positions are for school
year remaining.
* President (Moderator) * Treasurer
* Vice President * Activities Coordinator
* Secretary * ICC Representative
Section 1.1 Duties of Executive Officers
1 The President shall attend and moderate meetings, attend all activities, facilitate discussion,
planning, and execution of events and policies; meet and discuss pertinent issues with Officers
who request to miss meetings, functions and/or activities as well as authorize Officer requests to
miss scheduled meetings; support Officers as needed; serve as ex-officio member to all
committees; using information/advice provided by advisor and/or other Officers, re-schedule or
cancel activities; perform other duties as required by this Constitution.
The President serves as moderator, and as such shall refrain from voting on any issues at regular
meetings and/or executive committee meetings unless the vote is necessary to break a deadlock.
2 The Vice President shall attend all meetings and activities; shall become President if the
office becomes vacant; carry out the responsibilities of the President in their absence; facilitate
discussion, planning, and execution of events and policies; serve as chairperson to committees as
appointed by president; perform other duties as may be delegated by the President.
3 The Secretary shall attend all meetings and activities; in consultation with President prepare
and distribute meeting agendas; prepare and distribute minutes; maintain accurate records of
meeting attendance; coordinate club records and submit copies to Campus Life as required. Serve
as corresponding secretary; perform other duties as may be delegated by the President.
4 The Treasurer shall attend all meetings and activities; responsible for the completion and
management of all business transactions; with Officers, prepare and submit annual budget to
membership; prepare, record and deposit all funds raised by club; be prepared to provide financial
status at meetings; maintain all financial records/files including copies of receipts, purchase
requests, etc.; perform other duties as may be delegated by President.
5 The Activities Coordinator shall attend all meetings and activities; suggest/create
opportunities for educational and social growth, scholastic achievement and for the development of
recreational and cultural activities; organize and encourage participation in club and college
functions; utilize support from Officers, members and advisor to ensure success of all events; report
to and advise the President, in a timely manner, of any activities that are struggling to succeed.
These duties include preparing fliers, posters and appropriate paperwork for activities. Complete
these and other duties as delegated by the President.
6 Inner-Club Council (ICC) Representative shall attend all meetings and activities; serve as
liaison to the Associated Student ICC and Campus Life for the purpose of unifying clubs and
organizations for campus activities; report club activities to ICC. Complete these and other duties
as delegated by the President.
Article V Powers Granted to the Executive Officers
Section 1 The Executive Officers named above may meet when necessary to discuss issues that are
considered inappropriate for regular meetings; one Executive Officer may request an Executive
committee meeting; any two Executive Officers requesting an Executive committee will cause such
meeting to be mandatory. Any actions resulting in said meetings must be disclosed in a timely manner
to the membership at large.
Section 2 The Executive Officers will follow the laws and regulations established by the Brown Act
of the State of California.
Section 3 An Executive Officer committee meeting shall be considered legal when a quorum of
officers is present.
Section 4 Remove any elective or appointive officer by a 3/4 vote of the entire Council if they are
found in misconduct or neglect of duty.
Clause 1 Utilize Associated Student Constitution to remove an officer from position.
Article VI Meetings
Section 1 Until further notice, meetings will be Tuesdays, bi-monthly, during the college hour
(12:00 - 12:50 p.m.). In the event a majority of members elect to change meeting date and/or time (to
accommodate student schedules), due notice shall be given. An amendment to this Constitution is not
required to change meeting date and/or time.
Section 2 For a meeting to be official at least five members must be present, with a majority of
officers present.
Section 3 All members are encouraged to attend meetings.
Clause 1 Students must be in "active" status to participate in travel activities.
Article VII Authority
Section 1 The LVN hereby adopts Robert's Rules of Order as its Parliamentary Procedures,
except when in conflict with this Constitution.
Article VIII Amendments
Section 1 The Executive Officers, upon its own initiative, advice of their advisor, college or
membership, may amend this Constitution in specific and technical aspects.
Clause 1 Any and all amendments require a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at a
regular meeting.
Clause 2 All members must be notified of proposed changes, in writing, 5 days prior to
regularly scheduled meeting in which changes are to be discussed.
Clause 3 After discussion of proposed changes a second meeting date and time will be set.
Clause 4 The second meeting will include final discussion of proposed changes followed by
immediate vote (either open or secret ballot).
Section 2 Constitutional changes must be submitted to Campus Life within 5 days for final
LVN President Date
LVN Secretary Date
LVN Advisor Date
Licensed Vocational Student Association
March 16, 2010
12:00 p.m.
Room 117
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the Minutes of March 9, 2010
IV. Guest Speaker
V. Closed Session
VI. Committee Reports
a. Tuesday meeting
b. Other
VII. Old Business
a. Hypnotist/Spring Event Budget $500.00 - D. Black
b. Talent Showcase - Avila
VIII. New Business
a. Commencement Budget of $2,000 - D. Black
b. Other
IV. Announcements
X. Adjournments
Next meeting March 30, 2010
Room 303
Licensed Vocational Student Association
March 16, 2010
12:00 p.m.
Room 117
I. Call to Order: President Black called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Kimberly Black, President; Katie Hudson, Vice President; Nikki Ercolini,
Secretary; Devin Black, Business Director; Gavina Avila, Activities Director; Cory Blakley, Erika
Maas, Senators; E. Bowman, Advisor
III. Approval of the Minutes: C. Blakley/D. Black motioned/seconded approval of the minutes from
March 9. All in favor, passed.
IV. Committee Reports
a. Tuesday Report: N. Ercolini and K. Hudson reported on Tuesday's meeting. Included was
planning for Commencement, Hypnopalooza, snacks during campaign period, elections and student
speakers for commencement.
b. District Council: E. Maas provided the minutes from the meeting which included discussion for
VTEA funding for 10/11. Bowman asked a student to volunteer to read the VTEA proposals. D.
Black asked what VTEA was; funding for Vocational/Technical courses. A student is needed to
review this year's requests and help recommend funding.
V. Old Business
a. Hypnotist: Ercolini/D. Black motioned/seconded Spring Event not to exceed $500.00. Discussion:
Hypnopalooza tentatively scheduled for Thursday April 27, Greek Theatre. All in favor of Spring
Event, not to exceed $500.00, passed.
b. Talent Showcase: Avila reported the flyers are out; no one has submitted to perform. Deadline to
submit is March 27.
VI. New Business
a. Commencement Budget: Ercolini/D. Black motioned/seconded Commencement Budget not to
exceed $2,000.00, all in favor, passed.
VII. Announcements
a. AmeriCorps: Bowman reported the group raised $2,000.00 to go toward funeral/medical expenses
of a Yuba College student whose 2 year old son died recently in a car accident. $175.00 was from a
bake sale on campus, and the remaining about was made through a bake sale and benefit concert off
VIII. Adjourn
President Black closed the meeting at 12:52 p.m.
Next meeting March 30, room 303.