Call for Course Proposals: rev 6/28/2018
Call for Proposals – Course Proposal Form
Minneapolis Community & Technical College Continuing Education & Workforce Development
1501 Hennepin Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403
The Continuing Education & Workforce Development department at Minneapolis College welcomes proposals for new noncredit
course offerings. Proposals are accepted on a year-round basis, with specific semester deadlines as follows:
Fall semester (September – December): May 1
Spring semester (January – June): September 1
Name: Date:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Email: Telephone:
Course Title
Special Course Materials/Supplies
books or other course supplies that will be necessary for your course)
Proposed Schedule
Day of week: ______ Start time: ________ End time: ________ # of sessions: _____ Max class size:
Submission Information
Please include a resume and class syllabus with your proposal.
Note: Courses for nursing CEUs must detail the skill components and the documentation process.
Submit to the address above, or by email to Continuing.Education@minneapolis.edu.