3. What skills do you have that make you unique for this position/organization?
4. How does your current education align with our organization’s/this position’s needs?
5. What would your previous supervisor say about you?
During The Fair
General Tips and Advice:
□ Attend the fair to learn more about employers and potential employment opportunities. The sooner you know what employers
are looking for the more prepared you will be to submit a resume and cover letter that reflects the skills and qualifications
employers are seeking.
□ Network with employers and establish contacts with professionals in your field of interest. Fairs offer a rare opportunity to talk
with lots of people and develop connections that could potentially lead to employment opportunities in the future.
o Note - attending the career fair does not require you to be ready for an immediate full-time position. A goal for the fair
could be simply learning about local employers and potential future employment opportunities.
□ Eavesdrop. Listen to the conversations of other students and employers to gain insight on networking.
□ Volunteer to help with the fair. Student volunteers help employers during the event, which can provide a different perspective and
allow you to observe and learn more about the needs of employers.
Questions to ask Employers:
□ What entry-level position(s) in (mention your career □ What is the company culture like?
interest) are available at your organization?
□ What do you like most about working for (insert
□ What types of skills and/or work experience are critical organization)?
for this position?
□ What advice would you give for someone looking to
□ What is the projected growth you anticipate at your work for your organization?
□ May I contact you with further questions?
□ What type of training is provided for new employees?
After The Fair
□ Organize & Reflect - Review brochures and business cards gathered and make additional notes on the employers visited to
decide which position(s) you would like to apply to.
□ Thank You Notes: Sending thank you notes is an excellent way to show your appreciation and express interest in a particular
organization. If you need sample thank you notes, please review the Resume Handbook for samples and visit the Career
Development Center for assistance. Thank the business representative for his/her time and mention you hope to hear from
them soon.
□ Social Media - Be aware that some business representatives may look at your social networking pages after the event. Make
sure your page is appropriate. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that may be appropriate for you connect with
professionals in your field. If you are interested in connecting with them, be sure to ask if you can send them a request to
□ Follow-Up - Stay in touch with the employers that interest you most. It's extremely important to keep the lines of
communication open by putting time on your calendar to remind yourself to send follow-up inquiries. Review key points that
were discussed during your conversation at the fair and send a resume that reflects the skills you have that meet the needs of
the employer. Immediately send thank you notes and submit LinkedIn add requests of all the contacts and employers you
connected with within 24-48 hours after the event.
Career & Internship Fair Information:
For a list of participating employers or to register as a volunteer at Career & Internship Fair visit: go.csuci.edu/cdsnews
California State University Channel Islands
Career Development Services
One University Drive, Bell Tower 1548 | Camarillo, CA 93012
(805) 437-3270 (office) | (805) 437-8899 (fax) | career.services@csuci.edu