If the employee does not quality for continuation of pay (for 45 days), the form should be completed and filed with
the OWCP as soon as pay stops. The form should also be submitted when the employee reaches maximum
improvement and claims a schedule award. If the employee is receiving continuation of pay and will continue to be
disabled after 45 days, the form should be filed with OWCP 5 working days prior to the end of the 45-day period.
The CA-7 also should be used to claim continuing compensation, when a previous CA-7 claim has been made.
Collection of this information is required to obtain a benefit and is authorized by 20 C.F.R.10.106.
(or person acting on the employee's behalf) - Complete sections 1 through 7 as directed and
submit the form to the employee's supervisor.
SUPERVISOR (or appropriate official in the employing agency) - Complete sections 8 through 15 as directed
and promptly forward the form OWCP.
EXPLANATIONS - Some of the items on the form which may require further clarification are explained below:
Section Number
2d. Schedule Award
Schedule awards are paid for permanent impairment to a member or function
of the body.
5. List your dependents Your wife or husband is a dependent if he or she is living with you. A child is a
dependent if he, or she either lives with you or receives support payments from
you, and he or she: 1) is under 18, or 2) is between 18 and 23 and is a full-time
student, or 3) is incapable of self-support due to physical or mental disability.
6a. Was/will there be a claim
made against 3rd party?
A third party is an individual or organization (other than the injured employee or
the Federal government) who is liable for the injury. For instance, the driver of a
vehicle causing an accident in which an employee is injured, the owner of a
building where unsafe conditions cause an employee to fall, and a manufacturer
who gave improper instructions for the use of a chemical to which an employee
is exposed, could all be considered third parties to the injury.
''Additional Pay'' includes night differential, Sunday premium, holiday premium,
and any other type (such as hazardous duty or ''dirty work'' pay) regularly
received by the employee, but does not include pay for overtime. If the amount
of such pay varies from pay period to pay period (as in the case of holiday
premium or a rotating shift), then the total amount of such pay earned during the
year immediately prior to the date of injury or the date the employee stopped
work (whichever is greater) should be reported.
8. Additional Pay
11. Continuation of pay
(COP) received
If the injury was not a traumatic injury reported on Form CA-1, this item does
not apply.
14. Remarks
This space is used to provide relevant information which is not present
else- where on the form.
Public Burden Statement
Public reporting burden forth is collection of information is estimated to average 13 minutes per response including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. If you have any comments regarding this estimate or any other aspect of this information collection,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, please send them to the Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation
Programs, Room S-3229, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210.
Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The authority for requesting this information is 5 U.S.C. 8101 et seq. The information will be used to determine entitlement to
benefits. Furnishing the requested information is required for the claimant to obtain or retain a benefit. Information collected will be
handled and stored in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a). Failure
to furnish the requested information may delay the process, or result in an unfavorable decision or a reduced benefit.