You are being asked to complete this survey because you have earned 9 or more CTE credit units
at Columbia College, and/or have been awarded a vocational certificate or degree. We need to hear
from you! (Even though you may have been contacted last year, we would still very much
appreciate your updated status again this year.)
About the survey: This survey is voluntary and brief -- and though it takes an estimated 10-15
minutes to complete, the information you provide is important to Columbia's CTE Division for its
planning for the future. In addition, the College has very few ways of collecting student
employment outcomes other than reaching out and asking the students and alumni; therefore,
Columbia College, the Columbia College CTE Dean, and the faculty truly appreciate your feedback.
If you have questions, or would like more information about this survey, please call the Columbia
College Institutional Research Office at (209) 588-5389. For questions related to Career Technical
Education, please call (209) 588-5142. For general questions regarding Columbia College, please
call (209) 588-5231.
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Career Technical Education Student Outcome Survey