Revised Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate and Degree Programs
Important: Consult with CRC Curriculum Coordinator
to obtain
Effective Date
, Bldg. 9/104G, ext. 5080
Originator and Program Codes Date of Application:
Program Name:
Division # (1 digit):
Banner Reporting Code # (4 digits)
Banner Org. # (6 digits):
Who will be presenting this item to the Curriculum Committee?
Plans and Descriptions
Describe plans and include descriptions which provide evidence of: 1) the need for this change, 2) the student clientele to be served,
3) procedures used in arriving at the decision to change, 4) organizational arrangements required within the institution to accommodate the
Workload, staffing, budget ramifications, and space issues for this curriculum proposal have been reviewed and addressed.
Program Chair Signature: Date:
Revised Program Information
Certificate/Degree Title:
Proposed Changes to ProgramCheck all
Program Title
Change in core course
that apply:
Total Credit Hours
Total Contact Hours
Course Title Revision(s)
Term-by-Term Reorganization
Other (Please Specify):
For program revision, attach:
Advisory Committee Minutes reflecting the member’s request and/or approval to revise the program, and listing the proposed revisions
- Obtain approval to revise prior to development; the Curriculum Committee will provide final approval recommendation
Term-by-Term Course Listing
If you are adding or removing courses outside of your area, you need to attach correspondence from the impacted department(s)
Administration Signatures and Recommendations:
Executive Dean’s Name
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Complete following page
Important: Consult with Curriculum Coordinator, Bldg.9/104G, ext. 5080
Keep your response to no more than two paragraphs.
Mission and core themes:
Write a clear statement of the nature and purpose of the change in the context of institutional mission and core themes.
Cite evidence here.
Formal Approval Process:
Describe the process for obtaining formal approval by the governing board and the appropriate governmental agency (if
applicable) to offer the proposed existing and/or new program(s) at the proposed site(s). Attach evidence of approval using memos, letters, or official
notification documents.
Cite evidence here.
Educational Offering(s)
Provide a description of the educational offering(s). Include a list of required program courses in the program sequence.
The degree consists of __________ credit hours over six terms. The sequence of courses will be:
Method of Instructional Delivery:
Provide a description regarding the method of instructional delivery (i.e. percent of face-to-face, hybrid,
distance education, and/or competency-based delivery).
Cite evidence here.