New Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate and Degree Programs
Consult with CRC Curriculum Coordinator to obtain Submission Requirements and Effective Date, Bldg. 9/104G, ext. 5080
Originator and Program/Department Codes Date of Application:
Originator: Ext. Program Name:
Division # (1 digit): Banner Reporting Code # (4 digits) Banner Org. # (6 digits):
Who will be presenting this item to the Curriculum Committee?
Certificate/Degree Title:
If appropriate: Is this Certificate wholly-contained within or otherwise related to another certificate or degree program? Yes
If yes, which program?
Describe plans and include descriptions which provide evidence of: 1) the need for this change, 2) the student clientele to be served,
3) procedures used in arriving at the decision to change, 4) organizational arrangements required within the institution to accommodate the
Workload, staffing, budget ramifications, and space issues for this curriculum proposal have been reviewed and addressed.
Program Chair Signature: Date:
For New Program/Certificate, Attach the following:
Advisory Committee Minutes reflecting members’ request
and/or approval to revise the program. Minutes should list the
proposed revisions
Term-by-Term Course Listing
(use CTE program template available on Employee Dashboard)
If you are including courses outside of your area, you need to
attach correspondence from the impacted department
Program Outcomes
Program Assessment
Program Prerequisites (Getting Started)
NWCCU Addendum beginning on page 2 of this document
Administration Signatures and Recommendations
Department Administrator’s Name
Complete following pages