ived in CBC CTE Dual Credit Office: _____________ __KG__
(Date) (Initials)
High School Request for
CTE Dual Credit
Course Articulation
Columbia Basin College requests the following information to help determine whether your high
school course aligns (is equivalent) to the college course articulation is being requested for. Please be
complete in your responses and attach all required documents as listed in the checklist provided on the
next page.
Is this request a: New Articulation Articulation w/No Revision Articulation w/Revision
Is your school part of the local CTE Dual Credit Consortium? Yes No
High School Name(s): ________________________________________________________________
School District Name: ________________________________________________________________
High School Course Name: ___________________________________________________________
Career Cluster: _______________________________Pathway: ______________________________
High School Course CIP Code (if known): _______________________________________________
High School Teacher: ________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
High School Teacher: ________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
High School Teacher:
il: _______________________________________ Phone
Ema : ______________________________
CTE Director’s Name (Print): _________________________________________________________
CTE Director’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________
e: _____
_______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Name of Colleg _______________________________________________________________
College Course Prefix | Number | Name (if known): ________________________________________
Number of Credits: ____________ Is this course articulated with other colleges? Yes No
If yes, which one? ____________________________
Date Rece
High School Course Syllabus and Timeline
o A brief overview of the course and estimated content timeline should be included
o Course information to include:
o Length of class: _________________________ (# of semesters or # of total hours, etc.)
o Textbook info (include title, author and edition):
o Computer Software (include version used): ____________________________________________
o Prerequisites required, if any: ____________________________________________________
List of Specific Competencies (information may be included in the syllabus)
o Learning outcomes – competencies written as measurable outcomes
o Industry certifications/credentials covered (if applicable)
o OSPI Frameworks for the course
Assessment Criteria (information may be included in the syllabus)
o Expectations for student performance
o Description of testing/how is student learning assessed?
o End of course assessments or other evidence of examination
Program of Study (K-12 information completed)
o One for each school district’s school participation in the articulation
o List sample occupations and regional salaries relating to the pathway
CTE Dual Credit Notice to Students (must be included in the syllabus when requesting
articulation renewal) The high school syllabus MUST include a notice to students indicating the
course is CTE Dual Credit approved and articulated with one college. Please use the following
College CTE Dual Credit Program:
This course is CTE Dual Credit approved and articulated with Columbia Basin College. Students who demonstrate proficiency of the
college course competencies by receiving an 85% or better grade for EACH semester enrolled in the articulated high school class,
may earn college credit through the College CTE Dual Credit program. Only students who meet deadlines and eligibility
requirements will be awarded college credit. Participation in the CTE Dual Credit program is voluntary. High school students
registered in the Student Enrollment Reporting System (SERS) for CTE Dual Credit will follow CBC student policies for
transcription of credit as the high school grading system may not exactly align with the College’s. Credit and/or grades will not be
removed once they have been transcribed.
Students may earn credit for the following college courses:
(Course Prefix and Number) (Course Name) (Number of Credits)
(Course Prefix and Number) (Course Name) (Number of Credits)
(Course Prefix and Number) (Course Name) – (Number of Credits)
For CTE Dual Credit Office Uses Only
Primary Reviewer: __________________________ Date Received: ________________________
Circle One: Schedule a Meeting Approved Not Approved