Company Name: _________________Business/Industry Sector: ______
Attention: ________________________Title: ____________________
Address: ________________________City: _____________Zip: _____
Phone: _____________________ Fax: __________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________
I am joining on behalf of my company
I am joining as an individual
Checks should be made payable to: CSUCI Foundation – B&TP
All dues cover incidental but necessary costs such as printing, mailing, faxes, etc. directly
related to B&TP meetings.
Annual dues per year on anniversary date: $100
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Check Enclosed $ ______________
Visa________ Mastercard________
Credit Card #_____________________________ Exp. Date_______________________
Name of contact person representing our company who will receive correspondence,
publications, invitations, etc., if other than above:
I would like to be a part of the following Sector Committee:
Applied Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering
Science and Technology
___I am interested in learning more about your Student Intern Program.
___I am interested in learning more about scholarships.
___I am interested in other (please specify interest)
(Please mail or email this form to the address listed above.)
Thank you for your interest and investing in our future!
Business & Technology Partnership
California State University Channel Islands
One University Drive
University Advancement
Camarillo, CA 93012
PHONE (805) 437-8919 FAX (805) 437-2715