©2014. Kathy Schrock. All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce for classroom use granted.
Permission to re-post on the Internet is not granted. Please link to this URL from your page.
Thank you to Dr. Bernard Robin for the use of his outline found here: http://bit.ly/1uGr05q
Name:_____________________________________ Date:____________
©2014. Kathleen Schrock kathy@kathyschrock.net
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything http:// schrockguide.net
___ K-12 Student ___College student ___Educator
What is the title of the digital story you are evaluating?
If it is online, what is the URL? http://____________________________
Part 1: Components of a digital story
As you look at the questions below, put an X in the
“yes” or “no” or N/A column for each question.
Is the topic of the story explained or inferred
during the story?
Is the purpose for the creation of the story
obvious after viewing or listening to the story?
Is the name of creator mentioned or shown?
Is the intended audience for the story understood
after viewing or listening to the story?
Is the information in the story presented in
an organized and logical manner?
If the story contains narration, is it easy to
hear and understand?
If music and video are included in the story, do these
significantly improve the story?
Does the story include information that has
educational value for you?
©2014. Kathy Schrock. All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce for classroom use granted.
Permission to re-post on the Internet is not granted. Please link to this URL from your page.
Thank you to Dr. Bernard Robin for the use of his outline found here: http://bit.ly/1uGr05q
Part 2: Room for improvement
Looking at all of the questions and answers above, write a paragraph
outlining specific ways you feel the story can be improved.
Part 3: Educational value
Explain the educational value the digital story had, or did not have,
for you.