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This worksheet will test how well you’re creating and linking markers together. Since this is such an integral part of the
SuperLearner method, it’s important that you pay careful attention to this worksheet.
Read the text below, one box at a time
After reading each box, choose at least one concept that you feel is appropriate for setting a marker
In the left column, highlight or underline the words that represent your markers
In the middle column, write out what your marker is, with a few specific details, and why you chose it
In the right column, draw a simple sketch of what the marker might look like (optional)
This will help you train the idea of pausing to generate a marker for each important detail. Take note of the points at which
we have broken the text apart, based on when we feel a new marker should be generated.
When you’re done, check the answer key to see how your markers stack up against Annas, and why some markers are
better than others.
Excerpts From: “Anna Karenina.” Tolstoy, Leo.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Highlight or Underline) My Marker Looks Like... Sketch It Out (Optional)
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is
unhappy in its own way.
Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys' house.
The wife had discovered that the husband was carrying
on an intrigue with a French girl, who had been a
governess in their family, and she had announced to her
husband that she could not go on living in the same
house with him.
This position of affairs had now lasted three days, and
not only the husband and wife themselves, but all the
members of their family and household, were painfully
conscious of it.
Every person in the house felt that there was no sense in
their living together, and that the stray people brought
together by chance in any inn had more in common with
one another than they, the members of the family and
household of the Oblonskys.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Highlight or Underline) My Marker Looks Like... Sketch It Out (Optional)
The wife did not leave her own room, the husband had
not been at home for three days. The children ran wild all
over the house; the English governess quarreled with the
housekeeper, and wrote to a friend asking her to look out
for a new situation for her; the man-cook had walked off
the day before just at dinner time; the kitchen-maid, and
the coachman had given warning.
Three days after the quarrel, Prince Stepan Arkadyevitch
Oblonsky—Stiva, as he was called in the fashionable
world— woke up at his usual hour, that is, at eight o'clock
in the morning, not in his wife's bedroom, but on the
leather-covered sofa in his study.
He turned over his stout, well-cared-for person on the
springy sofa, as though he would sink into a long sleep
again; he vigorously embraced the pillow on the other
side and buried his face in it; but all at once he jumped
up, sat up on the sofa, and opened his eyes.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Highlight or Underline) My Marker Looks Like... Sketch It Out (Optional)
“Yes, yes, how was it now?" he thought, going over his
dream. "Now, how was it? To be sure! Alabin was giving
a dinner at Darmstadt; no, not Darmstadt, but something
American. Yes, but then, Darmstadt was in America. Yes,
Alabin was giving a dinner on glass tables, and the
tables sang, Il mio tesoro—not Il mio tesoro though, but
something better, and there were some sort of little
decanters on the table, and they were women, too," he
Linking the markers: How would you link these markers together after finishing the section?
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy
family is unhappy in its own way.
: A picture of your own family that might describe how you are
unique - for example, a special tradition you have of wearing the
same colors for Christmas photos. Picture the scene specifically.
Why? repeat many times, which family does it refer to
: A generic picture of an unhappy or happy family.
Why? This is something that you might automatically visualize
(and that’s a good thing), however, it is not the main point of the
paragraph, and therefore, you might only remember a picture of a
happy or unhappy family, and not the punch line.
Check the answers below to see how your markers compared to the ones Anna suggests, and read the explanations of why
some markers are better than others.
IMPORTANT: You probably will not have the same markers as Anna - that is not the goal. Your markers, should, however, be
similarly descriptive, detailed, and have the same characteristics that would make them fit with the “Why?” explanations behind
Annas good marker examples.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
Everything was in confusion in the
Oblonskys' house. The wife had discovered
that the husband was carrying on an intrigue
with a French girl, who had been a
governess in their family, and she had
announced to her husband that she could
not go on living in the same house with him.
: A picture of a French maid dressed in a black and white,
perhaps scandalously dressed, or even just a picture of a famous
French actress you might already know.
Why? The idea that the husband was misbehaving with a French
woman is the “trigger” if you will, which presents the core of the
issue. It’s also the easiest and most memorable thing to
transform into a visual marker in this entire paragraph. We all
know an image of a French made or French actress which is a
long-standing existing memory. The scandalousness is also a
detail of the text - shes having an affair with a married man!
: An image trying to illustrate the concept of “infidelity.
Why? This is an abstract concept which is alluded to but not
directly stated in the paragraph,, and while it is the main point of
this paragraph, it is much more difficult to visualize and less
memorable than the familiar image of a French made.
(Very difficult to imagine!)
This position of affairs had now lasted three
days, and not only the husband and wife
themselves, but all the members of their
family and household, were painfully
conscious of it.
: A calendar icon with the letter 3 on it, or a row of calendar
days with 3 days X’d off in red.
Why? Three days is the outcome of the situation. We already
know that everyone else is conscious of it because we visualized
the whole family before.
: A picture trying to illustrate the concept of everyone being
“painfully conscious” of the situation.
Why? It’s extremely difficult to try and visualize an image of
people being “painfully conscious,” and furthermore, the main
point of the paragraph is to show how long this has gone on.
(Very difficult to imagine!)
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
Every person in the house felt that there was
no sense in their living together, and that the
stray people brought together by chance in
any inn had more in common with one
another than they, the members of the
family and household of the Oblonskys.
: A situation you’re familiar with in which unrelated people have
been brought together by chance, for example a serendipitous
meeting between two lovers who meet in a supermarket
completely by chance, or even the characters on the show LOST,
brought together under strange and mysterious circumstances.
Why? This concept nicely explains how the family is feeling,
which is the point of this paragraph. Emotions are highly
memorable, and this one is an easy one to visualize.
: A picture of an inn or motel that you’ve been in.
Why? While this might be an easy thing to visualize, the idea of
the inn is loosely connected to the emotion or point the author is
trying to describe - it will be difficult to draw a connection
between them.
The wife did not leave her own room, the
husband had not been at home for three
days. The children ran wild all over the
house; the English governess quarreled with
the housekeeper, and wrote to a friend
asking her to look out for a new situation for
her; the man-cook had walked off the day
before just at dinner time; the kitchen-maid,
and the coachman had given warning.
: There are many good options here. You may be able to
automatically visualize each of these characters doing what the
author has described: the woman sequestered in her bedroom,
the housekeeper and the governess arguing, or the cook leaving
with his things on his shoulders. Anna visualizes children running
wild, like in the book Lord of the Flies. Jon pictures a sort of
cutaway scene from the top of the house where you can see the
mother in one corner crying in a closed room, kids running like
crazy, and different workmen freaking out or leaving (sort of a
compound marker).
Why? Again, emotion is highly memorable. Anna chose
something that is personally relevant and memorable to her (as a
mom). (Continued on next page)
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
(Continued from previous page) Jon chose to visualize the chaos and the employees’ sense of
frustration, which is more relevant to him as a businessman, for
example. Either way, these are highly visual and emotional images
which accurately summarize the overall feeling the author tries to
: Some general picture of chaos, without specific characters
performing specific actions.
Why? The specific actions of specific characters will be more
memorable than a mob of angry people running around. It’s better
to remember one specific person and how they are reacting to the
breakdown of the family than to try and summarize it without
Three days after the quarrel, Prince Stepan
Arkadyevitch Oblonsky—Stiva, as he was
called in the fashionable world— woke up at
his usual hour, that is, at eight o'clock in the
morning, not in his wife's bedroom, but on
the leather-covered sofa in his study.
: The leather covered sofa is an easy image to visualize - we
may visualize an old-fashioned red-maroon sofa with rivets
holding in the stuffing and wood accents on the arms.
Why? This is the emphasis point that shows that things are not
normal. Everything else is business as usual - but wait, why is a
Prince sleeping on a sofa? That seems ridiculous and
: A visualization of a prince standing around with a royal outfit.
Why? Yes, this is a great visualization and very easy to generate
(so if it pops into your head automatically, that’s great!), but it
won’t remind us of the main point - which is that the prince is
sleeping on the sofa.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
He turned over his stout, well-cared-for
person on the springy sofa, as though he
would sink into a long sleep again; he
vigorously embraced the pillow on the other
side and buried his face in it; but all at once
he jumped up, sat up on the sofa, and
opened his eyes.
: We can visualize our prince sleeping and embracing the pillow
comfortably, unaffected.
Why? This shows that he was pretty relaxed, hes not losing sleep
over the issue. It’s also a pretty easy thing to visualize now that
we know what the sofa looks like (and may have an image for the
prince himself, too).
: The prince jumping up from the sofa.
Why? This isn’t the flow of the text - the author clearly wants to
show that the prince wasn’t bothered, and then he was. If theres
important information about him being alarmed, it’s not in this
paragraph, and we’ll create a marker for it when we come to it.
“Yes, yes, how was it now?" he thought,
going over his dream. "Now, how was it? To
be sure! Alabin was giving a dinner at
Darmstadt; no, not Darmstadt, but
something American. Yes, but then,
Darmstadt was in America. Yes, Alabin was
giving a dinner on glass tables, and the
tables sang, Il mio tesoro—not Il mio tesoro
though, but something better, and there
were some sort of little decanters on the
table, and they were women, too," he
: An image of a dream - maybe a cloud above someones head,
in which someone is sitting in America doing something clearly in
America, for example they are dining with some famous
American. The author later gives us the details of glass tables, so
we can add those details in to our marker.
Why? This is a difficult paragraph, written in confusing language.
We need to get the full picture of the dream, combined with some
dinner, but we don’t have enough information to visualize what’s
happening at the dinner beyond what’s on the table and who’s
around it. We don’t yet know what details are important - even the
idea that it’s in America may turn out to be unimportant, and so
we have to take our best guess.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original Text (Selected Detail In Red) Marker Examples What It Might Look Like
(Continued from previous page) : A vague image of someone waking up from a dream, startled.
Why? This doesn’t give the pertinent information - what was the
dream about? Why is the dream important? Why did it wake the
Linking the markers:
At this point, we may take a pause, and work on reviewing and linking the markers together. Can you “play back” 80-90% of the visual markers you
created like a movie or film strip, preferably in order, and use them to explain the key concepts of everything you just read?
Because this is a fictional story with a specific logical flow, linking the markers is easy: it should follow the logical flow of the concepts and ideas as
they’re presented by the author, rather than some random amalgamation of images that we invent. For example, the French Maid image is what has
caused the husband to disappear for 3 days - there is a clear logical connection created between them.
At the more advanced levels, we would like to see you chunk the markers together into compound markers of 4±2 images happening in the same
scene. For example, we could “chunk” the unique family, the French maid, and the 3 days by creating a compound image. There is a unique family, but
they’re unhappy, because there is a French maid in the background who has been with the father of the family, pulling him away from the dinner table
for the last 3 days. Everyone is acting awkward and uncomfortable in this situation, like people brought together by chance.
Another compound marker could be the children running wild, and that could be what wakes the prince up after a long sleep in the study on the red
leather sofa. Above his head is the image of a dream of an American dinner.
It should be noted that there are many ways to chunk these markers together in order to create a sort of “compound” marker. This may be animated or
static depending on your strengths and weaknesses. As long as you are preserving the logical intention and meaning of the author, while combining
the images together periodically (at the end of a page or section), how you actually chunk the markers is not important.
© 2019 SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating & Linking Markers Worksheet