Clinic:_________________________________________ Today’s Date: ____________________
ODH 1401 /12-29-2020
COVID-19 Vaccination Form Please complete each field below with the information that applies to the client receiving services today.
American Indian/Alaska Native
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Other
Not Hispanic/Latino Unknown
If the client is under 18 years of age, please complete guardian information.
Guardian relationship to client:
Other Guardian Name (Last, First) _______________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, give my consent for the services that I am requesting from the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and its entities/contractors. I understand that:
-- the risks and benefits for these services will be explained to me and that I will have the opportunity to ask questions.
-- the information regarding myself and the services I receive will be entered into OSDH management information systems and may be used for program evalu
management, and billing purposes.
-- I may refuse service at any time.
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health Privacy Statement as required by the Health Information Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA). I can also find a copy on the agency website. I also acknowledge that I received the manufacturer-specific Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers prior to
receiving the vaccine.
Client/Guardian Sign
ature: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
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†Client must be aged 16 years or older to receive the Pfizer vaccine and aged 18 years or older to receive the Moderna vaccine