4. During the last 14 days, have you:
- Tested positive for being infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Yes / No
If "Yes", please provide date of test and name of test:
- Tested positive for the antibodies for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Yes / No
If "Yes", please provide date of test and name of test:
- Shown any symptoms associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19), specifically,
New and continuous cough: Yes / No
Fever: Yes / No
Loss of smell or taste: Yes / No
Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing: Yes / No
- Had close contact with anyone that has tested positive for coronavirus
("Close contact" means being at a distance of less than six feet/two meters for more than 15 minutes.)
Yes / No
- Had close contact with anyone with symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
("Close contact" means being at a distance of less than six feet/two for more than 15 minutes.)
Yes / No
- Maintained good personal hygiene and complied with applicable health
protection measures and precautions?
Yes / No
- Have you traveled INTERNATIONALLY?
Yes / No
- Have you travelled DOMESTICALLY in the last fourteen days to a restricted
state on the New York State Travel Advisory? (Click on link to see list of
restricted states if you are unsure)
Yes / No
I confirm that the information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: Date: ____________________
Source: SUNY Maritime 2020
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