Please initial the following statements confirming you have read them and understand them.
15. I understand that once this petition is filed in the Circuit Clerk’s Office I will be assigned a Judge who will review my petition and
determine eligibility. The Judge has the ability to issue a Temporary Protective Order that includes a hearing date to be held within 30 days
OR issue an Order to Appear in court OR dismiss the petition all together. ________
16. I understand I am required to attend any hearing date that is set by the Judge. If I do not attend the hearing, I understand that a warrant can
be issued for my arrest and I can be required to pay all filing fees. ________
17. I understand if the Judge awards a Temporary Order of Protection, the order will not be in effect until the Respondent has been served with
a copy of the petition, affidavit and order. ________
18. I understand that if the Respondent violates the Order of Protection I should contact law enforcement immediately. To ensure proper
enforcement, I should not initiate contact with Respondent. ________
19. I understand that I am not required to have an attorney but that without legal representation, I must be prepared to provide testimony and
possible cross examination. ________
20. I understand that the Respondent has a right to attend the hearing and protest the allegations listed in this petition. Based on testimony, the
Judge may dismiss the petition, amend it or grant a Final Order of Protection for a minimum of 90 days to a maximum of 10 years.
21. I understand that once this petition is filed with Circuit Clerk’s Office I cannot request dismissal of a Temporary Protection Order or Order
to Appear until the hearing. ________
22. I understand that if there are errors in my petition/affidavit I would be required to come back to this office and correct the errors or the
petition/affidavit could be dismissed. If it is not dismissed and I have refused to return to make the required corrections it is possible any
orders that are issued would not be served on Respondent, therefore making them unenforceable. ________
I understand that once signed, this petition acts as a sworn affidavit and that if I intentionally provide any false
information, I may be held liable financially and/or criminally. I also understand that I am required to attend the
hearing, and that if I fail to appear on the hearing date, the court has the authority to charge me $215.00 and/or issue
a Body Attachment Warrant for my arrest.
Petitioner's Signature
The Petitioner, under oath, swears that the facts stated in the above Petition are true according to the Petitioner's best
knowledge and belief.
__________________________ _________________________________________
Date Petitioner's Signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of _______________________, 20____.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: