1. Full name of the Applicant Firm:
2. Please list and provide a brief description of your pri
mary software and service applications
. (i.e. payroll, fund
transfer, education, etc…)
3. Please indicate the percentage of the
Applicant’s gr
oss annual revenue from the last fiscal period involving:
(A) (B)
Training and education: % Hardware / Software sales: %
Record management / Retrieval: % Equipment evaluation &
Package software installations: % selection: %
EDP audit: %
Minor hardware installations: % “Needs” evaluation: %
Hardware maintenance / Service: % TOTAL (B):
Graphics / Presentation materials: %
Hardware / Software pass thru sales
% (D)
(sold at cost) Computer security/Virus
TOTAL (A): % serv
s: %
Electronic bulletin board / Chat
Custom software development: % room services: %
% E-mail services: %
tem design: % Website design / Construction: %
Turnkey installations: % Content provider servic
Hardware / Software manufacturing: %
Internet Service Provider (ISP): %
Research & development: % Internet advertising: %
TOTAL (C): % Domain name registration:
TOTAL (D): %
(A) % + (B) % + (C) % + (D) % =TOTAL MUST EQUAL 100
4. Does the Applicant provide any services othe
r than those listed in
question 3? If yes, provide details.
If any percentages are entered into Section D above, please complete questions 5 – 11.
5. Has the Applicant ever received a complaint co
ncerning interne
t services relevant to?
Libel or slander: Yes No Trademark infringement: Yes No
Invasion of privacy: Yes No Copyright infringement: Yes No
Inaccurate information: Yes No
6. How do you respond to such complaints and in what time frame?
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7. Doe
s in-house counsel review the items listed in question 5?
Yes No
8. What measures are taken to determine what domain names the Applicant uses or registers does not infringe
upon a
r’s copyright or trademark?
9. How does the Applicant prevent computer viru
s from being transmitted from or to the work you complete?
10. Do the websites you develop or, the internet services you provi
de involve sel
ling any products over the internet
(e-commerce)? Yes No If yes, are credit card transactions conducted? Yes No
11. Please list the website addresses of the top three (3) inte
rnet services projects last year or expected this
coming year.
This section may be used to provide additional information to
y question on this application. Please
identify the question number to which you are referring.
Please attach the following sample contracts, where applicable:
a) EDP & consulting agreement
b) Software license agreement
c) Distribution agreement with software and / or hardware manufacturer
d) Sales agreement
I understand that the information submitted herein becomes a part of my Philadelphia Insurance
s Cov
application and is subject to the same conditions as stated on the application.
Name (Please Print) Title (Must be Principal,
Partner or Officer)
Signature Date
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