Courses with MnTC Goal Areas I 877.450.3322
BIOL 1122 General Biology I 2, 3 4
BIOL 1123 General Biology II 3, 10 4
BIOL 2202 Principles of Nutrion 2, 3 3
BIOL 2260/2261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture and Lab 3 4
BIOL 2262/2263 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture and Lab 3 4
CHEM 1100 Fund Concepts Chemistry 2, 3 3
CHEM 1101 Principles of General Chemistry 2, 3 4
CHEM 1111 General Inorganic Chemistry I 2, 3 5
CHEM 1112 General Inorganic Chemistry II 2, 3 3
COMM 1120 Introducon to Public Speaking 1 3
COMM 2230 Intercultural Communicaons 7 3
ENGL 1101 College Wring I 1 3
ENGL 1205 Wring About Literature 1 3
ENGL 2234 Intro to Literature: Short Stories 2, 6, 7 3
ENGL 2235 Intro to Literature: Drama 2, 6, 8 3
ENGL 2236 Intro to Literature: Novel 2, 6, 7 3
ENGL 2302 American Ethnic Literature 6, 7 3
HIST 1110 Western Civilizaon: Ancient-1400’s 5, 8 3
HIST 1113 Western Civilizaon: 20th Century 5, 8 3
HIST 2212 American History: 19th Century 5, 7 3
HIST 2213 American History: 20th Century 5, 7 3
MATH 1114 College Algebra 2, 4 4
MATH 1115 Funcons/Trigonometry 2, 4 4
MATH 1118 Precalculus 2, 4 5
MATH 1122 Applied Calculus/Linear Algebra 2, 4 3
MATH 1134 Calculus I 2, 4 5
MATH 1135 Calculus II 2, 4 5
MATH 1207 Elementary Stascs 2, 4 3
MATH 1213 Introducon to Stascs 2, 4 4
MCS 2230 Mulcultural America 7 3
PHYS 1105 Fundamental Concepts in Physics 3 3
PHYS 1401 College Physics I 3 4
POLS 1120 American Naonal Government 5, 9 3
PSYC 1101 Human Interacon 2, 5 3
PSYC 1200 General Psychology 5, 9 3
PSYC 1500 Posive Psychology 5, 9 3
PSYC 2222 Developmental Psychology I 5, 9 3
SOC 1111 Introductory to Sociology 2, 5, 7 3
SPAN 2211 Intermediate Spanish 8 4
SPAN 2212 Intermediate Spanish II 8 4
AA/MnTC Worksheet
The AA and/or the MnTC sasfy the general educaon requirements of Minnesota State Colleges and Universies (MnSCU).
Associate in Arts Degree (AA) 60 credits
The AA degree requires the compleon of all 10 goal areas and at least 20 addional elecve credits. A degree is awarded
aer successful compleon of the 60 required credits.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) 40 credits
MnTC is the 40-credit general education core of the AA degree (the AA minus electives). MnTC requires the completion of
all 10 goal areas and at least 40 credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Some courses fulfill the requirements for multiple goal
areas, but the course credits can only be counted once.
Goal 1: Wrien & Oral Communicaon (9 credits) Goal 7: Human Diversity (3 credits)
Goal 8: Global Perspecve (3 credits)
*Must take ENGL 1101 and one of the following: ENGL 1205, 1210, or 1215.
*Must include one of the following communicaon courses: COMM 1120, 1130, or 1140.
Goal 2: Crical Thinking (6 credits from 2 disciplines)
Goal 7: Human Diver-
Goal 9: Ethical & Civic Responsibility (3 credits)
Goal 3: Natural Sciences (6 cr. including a course with a lab) Goal 10: People & the Environment (3 credits)
Total General Educaon Credits
Goal 4: Mathemacs/Logic (3 credits)
(At least 40 credits required for MnTC)
*Students can check their MnTC progress by logging in to Spartan Net at and going to eServices > Grades & Transcripts
> Interacve Degree Audit Report
Goal 5: History, Social/Behavioral Sciences AA Elecves (20 credits)
(9 credits from 2 or more disciplines)
Goal 6: Humanies/Fine Arts (9 credits from 3 disciplines)
Total Elecve Credits
Total General Educaon Credits
*A maximum of 3 ne arts credits can be use for goal.
Total Credits (60 required for AA degree)