SEMESTER: Fall _______ Spring _______ Summer _______ DATE: _________________________
STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________________________ ID#: ___________________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________
Please check the following box(es) that pertain to your desired action. You must obtain the necessary
signature(s) before your petition request will be considered.
I am seeking to register for a course that:
⎕ I lack a pre-requisite/level course(s) ⎕is currently full
⎕ I am an undergraduate student seeking ⎕ I am seeking to register for a course that has a
to register for a graduate level course time conflict with another class
I am an undergraduate student seeking to : ⎕register for more than 18 credits
⎕audit a course
Signature of Dean of the Faculty Date
Reason for request: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Processed by __________________________________ Date _____________________________
(304) 473-8046 Fax: (304) 473-8531 1
Floor Lynch-Raine Administration Building
Course #,
(ex: ART-101-01)
Instructor’s Signature
School Director’s Signature
Course #,
(ex: ART-101-01)
Instructor’s Signature
School Director’s Signature
Course #,
(ex: ART-101-01)
Instructor’s Signature
Graduate School Director’s Signature
______________ ______________
Course 1 # Course 2 #
(ex: ART-101-01)
Instructor #1 Signature
Instructor #2 Signature
Course #,
(ex: ART-101-01)
Current GPA: ______________
Major: ______________________________