Anyone may ask the Grand Jury to investigate a complaint. The Grand Jury will review all complaints received
from the public and, when appropriate investigate those complaints which contain allegation of wrong doing or
misconduct. While the Grand Jury will accept and review each complaint this is no assurance that the matter will be
officially investigated or any formal action taken. The following procedures govern the submission and processing
of such complaints.
A formal complaint should be prepared after all attempts to correct a situation have been explored unsuccessfully.
All complaints should be submitted in writing, dated and signed by the complainant. Anonymous complaints are
usually given less weight by the Grand Jury in deciding what to investigate.
Complaints may be submitted by letter, but this complaint form is preferred. Upon request, members of the Grand
Jury will assist citizens with the preparation of the complaint form.
Content of a complaint
Whether or not the standard complaint form is used, the following information should be included if at all possible:
• Name, address and telephone number of the individual or organization the complaint is against.
• If the complaint is against an individual in an organization, include the individual’s title or position in the
• Describe the problem as clearly as possible.
• Be as concise as possible, including dates, times, and names of individuals involved.
• Cite specific examples as opposed to broad general accusations.
• Attach any available evidence such as correspondence, documentation, photographs, etc..
• Include the name, address and telephone number of the person preparing the complaint. Please state all efforts
or action taken to resolve the complaint up to this time. All materials, photos, statements, documents or other
evidence will be retained for confidentiality by the Grand Jury.
The Grand Jury is forbidden by law to release any information about a complainant or about any investigation that
may be in progress. The confidentiality of the person making the complaint is rigorously protected.
The Grand Jury will study each complaint submitted. Each complaint will be acknowledged by letter as soon as
possible after it is received. After studying the complaint, the Grand Jury will determine if further investigation
should be undertaken. In any event, the complainant will be advised of the Grand Jury’s decision.
The Grand Jury may call on the complainant for further information or clarification of the complaint.