Corporation of the County of Dufferin
936029 Airport Road, Mulmur ON L9V 0L3
PHONE: 519-941-2816 Ext 4011
Name: Email:
City, Province: Postal Code:
Telephone: OFAH Member Number:
The User agrees to:
Comply with the County Forest By-Law 2017-39 and the Corporation of the County of Dufferin's Recreational Policy in its
entirety, unless exceptions have been made by the County Forest Manager.
The personal information collected on this form is collected under t
he authority of by-law 2017-39 and will be used to issue the
County Forest Hunting permit. Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Clerk at 519.941.2816. ext 2503.
Once issued, hunting permits are valid from the date of purchase or October 1st, whichever is later,
until the following May 31st.
Please Type Name: Date:
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Check here to receive a permit renewal notification
For office use only:
Date Issued:
Permit Number:
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