Office of
Planning and Zoning
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Application and Submittal Checklist
Date: _________________ Project Name: _______________________________
Property Owner(s): __________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Owner: _____________________________________________________________
Alternate Key(s) of Subject Property: __________________________________________________
Type of Amendment: Map Amendment: __________ Text Amendment: ________
The size of the subject property in acres or fractions thereof:
Upland: _________ Wetland: ___________ Water: ____________ Total: ___________
Has a decision or recommendation denying a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan been
considered by the Board of County Commissioners or the Planning & Zoning Board within a one (1) year
period from the date of the application? Yes No _____ If yes, please explain below.
Will an application for rezoning or other development permit be submitted to the County in conjunction with
this project? _____Yes ____No. If yes, please explain below.
Is the proposed amendment applicable to the Green Swamp ACSC? Yes No _____
Does the proposed amendment apply to the Wekiva River Protection Area? Yes No _____
Is the subject property under a joint planning agreement or ISBA? Yes No _____
If yes, which jurisdiction? ________________________________
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Please demonstrate that facilities and services are or will be available within the adopted levels of service
throughout the Comprehensive Plan (or the levels of service adopted by the municipality in whose utility area
the proposed amendment is located and as adopted in the Capital Improvements Element or by joint agreement
with the County), including, but not limited to, water supplies (including permitted quantities) facilities, sewer
services, solid waste, transportation, parks and recreational facilities and schools:
Describe and demonstrate and describe how the amendment will not fiscally burden County services:
Describe and demonstrate that historic and cultural resources will not be affected by unnecessary and
unmitigated negative impacts:
Please be Aware of the Following Policies
CP Policy I-7.13.4 Alternative Future Land Use Designation
The Board of County Commissioners may determine that a Future Land Use Category other than the
designation requested by the applicant is appropriate, provided that the approved Future Land Use Category
does not exceed the density or intensity of the Future Land Use Category or use that was publicly advertised
for consideration.
LDR 14.00.09 Res Judicata.
Once a final decision denying an application has been made by the Board of County Commissioners or the
Board of Adjustment, the matter Shall not be considered again for a period of one (1) year from the date the
application was denied. The applicant may re-apply prior to the one (1) year, but the matter will not be presented
to the Lake County Planning and Zoning Board, Board of County Commissioners or Board of Adjustment until
after one (1) year has elapsed. However, the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Adjustment
Shall refuse to hear subsequent applications based upon a determination that a substantial change in
circumstances has not occurred between the original denied application and the subsequent application, even
where the subsequent application has been filed after the one (1) year has elapsed. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, if the Board of County Commissioners denies an application without prejudice, the applicant may re-
apply within ninety (90) days of the denial so long as a substantial change in circumstances has occurred
between the time of the original denied application and the subsequent application.
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Submittal Checklist
_____ Completed application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
_____ Application fee. (Large Scale / Text $5,500.00) (Small Scale $1,600.00). Please be advised the
applicant is responsible for paying the legal advertisement and notification fees. Once the fees have
been assessed, the applicant will be notified and all applicable fees will be due prior to the public
_____ Summary of the proposed amendment. Describe the intent of the amendment and the proposed use
of the amendment. If applying for a text amendment, please provide a strikethrough and underlined
version of the affected policies.
Additional Criteria for Future Land Use Map Amendments
_____ Property record card and recorded deed for the subject property.
_____ Owner’s Affidavit. Each property owner listed on the provided deed must complete an Owner’s
Affidavit. If the property is owned by a corporation, documentation certifying the signing individual’s
authority is required.
_____ Applicant’s Affidavit.
_____ Certified Survey or Map identifying the current and proposed Future Land Use Category of the subject
property, the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to the surrounding street and
thoroughfare network. Show the size of the property being proposed for a Future Land Use change (in
square feet and acres).
_____ Conceptual site plan depicting important features, including but not limited to, the location of major
roads, structures, significant limitations (wetlands, karst features, steep slopes, etc.), environmentally
sensitive areas and required open space.
_____ Legal Description. The complete legal description of the property or the portion of the property for
which the amendment is being requested, typed on a separate sheet of paper with the Tax ID Number.
Please include the document in Word format with the digital submittal.
_____ Wetlands Determination/Environmental Assessment. The applicant must demonstrate that the
amendment would not cause unnecessary and unmitigated negative impacts on natural resources,
including, but not limited to, wetlands, uplands, habitat, wildlife corridors, wildlife, groundwater and
surface water, recharge, karst features and further demonstration that the integrity of interconnected
ecosystems of local, state, regional and federal significance will be preserved.
If there are wetlands on the property, a preliminary environmental assessment is required, including a
narrative describing the wetlands, a table indicating the acreage, and an aerial photograph or map
indicating the approximate location and extent of wetlands on the site.
_____ Transportation Demand Impact Analysis.
_____ Demand Analysis.
Residential Justification Statement. If the amendment will increase the density, provide
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documentation demonstrating that additional lands for residential use are needed to accommodate
population projections consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Also describe how the lands are in the
most appropriate location with respect to the most efficient use of public facilities and services for the
increased density and with respect to all other policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
Nonresidential/Commercial/Industrial Justification Statement. Provide documentation that
demonstrates the need for any additional non-residential and commercial/industrial lands based upon
population and employment projections within the service area, vacancy rates for similar uses and ability
reduce overall future transportation demands on the road network (reduction of vehicle miles travelled).
_____ Land Use Compatibility Analysis. Provide documentation that demonstrates that the proposed Future
Land Use Map amendment provides an appropriate transition of land uses adjacent to the rural area,
and that the amendment shall create a transition area between the rural area and existing urban
development to reduce future intrusion into the rural area. Adequate land transition shall be required to
maintain compatibility with adjacent, existing communities and may require flexible lot sizes, provision
of open space or variable buffers.
Additional Criteria for Amendments from the Rural to the Urban Future Land Use Series.
____ Demonstration that the proposed FLUM amendment is contiguous to existing urban development in the
Urban Future Land Use Series to discourage urban sprawl.
____ Demonstration that utilities (central water and sewer) are, or will be, available concurrent with the
proposed development.
NOTE: A determination of completeness/sufficiency does not suggest support or denial of a proposal.
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Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared , who
being by me first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:
1. That (he) (she) is the fee-simple owner of the property legally described in this Application.
2. That (he) (she) desires a Future Land Use Map Amendment from
___________________ _ to , for the
property legally described in this Application.
3. That the owner of said property has appointed ______________ to
act as agent in their behalf to accomplish the above.
The Owner is required to complete the APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT of this application if no agent is appointed to
act in his stead.
________________________________________ Affiant (Owner's Signature)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of _________________, 20________, by
, who is personally known to me or who has
produced _ as identification and who did ________ or did not ________ take an oath.
Notary Public (Signature)
My Commission Expires:
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Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared _______________ , who
being by me first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:
1. That (he) (she) affirms and certifies that they understand and will comply with all Ordinances, regulations
and policies of Lake County, Florida, and that all statements and diagrams submitted herewith are true
and accurate to the best of (his) (her) knowledge and belief, and further, that this application and
attachments shall become part of the Official Records of Lake County, Florida, and are NOT
2. That (he) (she) is the applicant for the owner who desires a Future Land Use Map Amendment from
to , for the property legally
described in this Application.
3. That the submittal requirements for the application have been completed and attached hereto as part
of the application.
______________________________________________Affiant (Applicant's Signature)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of _________________, 20________, by
, who is personally known to me or who has
produced _ as identification and who did ________ or did not ________ take an oath.
Notary Public (Signature)
My Commission Expires:
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