Property Address: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________
In consideration for attending a showing and/or having At World Properties, LLC d/b/a @properties
conduct a showing at the above property, the person signing below acknowledges and agrees:
1. The Coronavirus represents serious health risk;
2. Th
e per
sons present for this showing and/or the property owner(s) are relying on the
truthfulness and accuracy of the certifications below;
3. Th
ere will be no more than four persons at the showing;
4. The property is not currently occupied by a tenant;
5. They accept
and assume any and all risk relating to the Coronavirus.
Also in consideration for the showing, the person signing below represents and warrants that to
the best of their knowledge that neither they nor anyone with whom they reside with or anyone
they have come into direct contact with during the past 14 days:
1. Has been diagnosed with or tested positive for Coronavirus.
2. Is awaiting the results of a test for Coronavirus.
3. Is under quarantine as recommended by a medical professional or self-quarantine.
4. Has any of the symptoms of the Coronavirus as set forth by the Center for Disease Control
5. Ha
s had contact with someone who the person
believes has or potentially could or might have
the Coronavirus.
6. Has had contact with someone who had contact with someone diagnosed with the
Coronavirus or who is believed to have Coronavirus or the symptoms thereof.
If you cannot make the above representations by signing below you should not participate in the showing.
If you can in good faith make the above certifications, please print your name and sign below representing
that you agree to the above.
_________________________ __________________________
Name Signature
Your role (circle or check one):
Seller _______
Listing Agent______
Other ______ (inspector; appraiser; photographer; etc)
Buyer Agent_____