Notice of Alabama Immigration Law Compliance Requirements to all
As a Contractor, as defined in the Act, to an ACCS, it is critical to your relationship (future or
continuing) with the Board that you comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of
1986, as amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer
and Citizen Protection Act. Accordingly, please provide your Affidavit of Immigration
Compliance with attached E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding, as requested in the attached
memorandum. If you do not believe these obligations apply to you, please notify the Board
Every contract entered into by an ACCS Institution from this point forward with a contractor will
contain the following clause or one substantially similar:
Alabama Immigration Law Compliance Contract: Contractor agrees that it
will fully comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as
amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Beason-Hammon Alabama
Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, which makes it unlawful for an employer in
Alabama to knowingly hire or continue to employ an alien who is or has become
unauthorized with respect to such employment or to fail to comply with the I-9
requirements or fails to use E-Verify to verify the eligibility to legally work in the
United States for all of its new hires who are employed to work in the State of
Alabama. Without limiting the foregoing, Contractor shall not knowingly
employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien, and
shall have an officer or other managerial employee who is personally familiar
with the Contractor’s hiring practices to execute an affidavit to this effect on the
form supplied by the Board and return the same to the Board. Contractor shall
also enroll in the E-Verify Program prior to performing any work, or continuing
to perform any ongoing work, and shall remain enrolled throughout the entire
course of its performance hereunder, and shall attach to its affidavit the E-Verify
Program for Employment Verification and Memorandum of Understanding and
such other documentation as the Board may require to confirm Contractor’s
enrollment in the E-Verify Program. Contractor agrees not to knowingly allow
any of its subcontractors, or any other party with whom it has a contract, to
employ in the State of Alabama any illegal or undocumented aliens to perform
any work in connection with the Project, and shall include in all of its contracts a
provision substantially similar to this paragraph. If Contractor receives actual
knowledge of the unauthorized status of one of its employees in the State of
Alabama, it will remove that employee from the project, jobsite or premises of the
Board and shall comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as
amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Beason-Hammon Alabama
Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act. Contractor shall require each of its
subcontractors, or other parties with whom it has a contract, to act in a similar
fashion. If Contractor violates any term of this provision, this Agreement will be
subject to immediate termination by the Board. To the fullest extent permitted by
law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Board from any