__ Check for ITS related contracts
__ Check for no amount
__ Check for multiple signature pages
__ Check if multi-year contract
Title of Contract: ________________________________________________________________
Originating Department: _________________________________________________________
Amount of Contract: $________________________
1. The attached contract is recommended for approval.
Contract Administrator ____________________________ Date: ___________________
Department Head ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
2. Recommend ___Approval ___Disapproval
Area Vice President_______________________________ Date: ___________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
3. Recommend ___Approval ___Disapproval
Director of Information Technology__________________ Date: ___________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
4. Recommend ___Approval ___Disapproval
Vice President for Business & Finance________________ Date: ___________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
5. Reviewer Administrator___________________________ Date: ___________________
(Presidents Office)
6. Recommend ___Approval ___Disapproval
University President_______________________________ Date:___________________
Contracts Management Policy
To establish a university-wide policy on contracting, approval, signatory authority, and required
contract review
All contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding and similar documents legally binding
Mississippi Valley State University are subject to the review and approval procedures found in
this policy.
Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) enters into many contractual agreements each year
with third parties that provide a wide array of activities involving University funds, facilities,
personnel and other resources. The University will only be bound by written contracts to which
the University or a department is formally a party, that have been reviewed and approved in
accordance with this policy, and that have been executed by University officials who have
contract signature authority. No member of the University community, including programs and
departments of the University, has the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University.
This policy describes the University’s review and approval requirements and recordkeeping
requirements for all contracts.
This policy, which pertains to all faculty, staff and administrators, applies to any type of
agreement that obligates the University to provide payment, services, goods or use of University
property, facilities or other resources to a third party. Contractual agreements governed by this
policy include, but are not limited to:
Service agreements
Insurance contracts
Collections contracts
Maintenance contracts
Consulting agreements
Research agreements
Affiliation agreements
Entertainment/performance agreements
Speaker agreements
Sporting event agreements
Copier Contracts
Outsourcing Contracts
Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement
Pursuant to IHL Board Policy 301.0703, the Authority delegated to the Institutional Executive
Officer (IEO), such as authority to sign contracts, can be delegated by the IEO to “appropriate and
responsible officials” of the University, but that delegation by the IEO must be in writing.
The President is designated as the authorizing official for the University to execute any
documents relating to or on behalf of the University. Anyone who signs a contract without
written delegation authorizing them to do so is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
termination, and may be legally and financially liable for representations made in the contract.
Any employee who has a conflict of interest with respect to a contract should not be involved in
the approval process with respect to the contract.
The Athletic Director is authorized to sign approved Athletic Contracts that relate to games,
athletic facilities, etc.; however, the Athletic Director is not authorized to enter into
agreements/contracts related to personnel. Athletic Coaches do not have signatory authority and
are not authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the Athletic Department or University
unless they have specific written authority to do so.
All contracts or agreements require the Contract Review Form. The purpose of this form is to
inform the Area Vice President, Director of Information Technology, Vice President for Business
and Finance/CFO and Office of the President that the contract is being recommended for
approval. This review is designed to provide reasonable assurance that contracts and agreements
have been reviewed for availability of funds, risk, compliance, form and legal sufficiency. Until
the contract or agreement has been reviewed and signed by the University President, the
document shall not be considered legally binding. All contracts executed are held in the
University’s master contract file located in the Office of Business and Finance. The Office of the
President is responsible to ensure contracts requiring IHL Board approval are submitted to the
Board prior to final execution.
Contracts with external parties and individuals should have MVSU’s Standard Terms and
Conditions Addendum attached. The contract addendum is available on the Business and Finance
The Contract Administrator (CA) is the individual within the requesting department with the
ultimate responsibility to ensure MVSU receives the services and/or revenue set forth in the
contract, that MVSU pays the amount set forth in the contract for any services, and that the
contract is reviewed prior to renewal if applicable. To properly fulfill this function, it is imperative
that the CA fully understand the scope of the contract as well as the requirements set forth in
the agreement. Some of the aspects the CA may want to review are:
1. Verification that all services are being performed as set forth in the contract;
2. Verification that all revenues are being received as set forth in the contract;
3. Verification that all applicable bonds and insurance documents have been received and
are determined to be adequate.
If the Contract Administrator leaves his/her position during the term of the contract, or the
department changes the Contract Administrator, it is the responsibility of the department to
immediately notify the Office of the President.
The Contract Administrator is responsible for working with the contractor to revise/edit the
agreements in accordance with any recommended change. In some cases, resubmission or final
review/approval may be required. The Contract Administrator should not negotiate with
attorneys for the contractor. Any attorney who wishes to communicate directly with the
University should be referred to the Office of the President.
IHL Board approval is required for all contracts of more than $250,000. IHL Board approval is also
required for all bookstore and food service projected to generate aggregate total revenues or
more than $250,000 or if the term of such contract exceeds four years. When submitting a
contract requiring IHL Board approval, the department should submit the proposed contract.
The Office of the President will review the documents for inclusion on the IHL Board agenda and
work with the CA for required documents.
All contracts and purchases of Information Technology equipment, software and services will be
reviewed by the Information Technology Director prior to processing by the Office of the
This policy will be reviewed every three (3) years or as needed by the Office of the President.