Recreation & Community
Services Department
400 University Ave.
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 947-2790
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Revised 10.2.2019
After School Junior High Sports Program
The following is an Agreement between the City of Los Altos, California, hereinafter referred to as
"City" and the independent contract coach named below for the purpose of providing a service
requiring specific knowledge and/or technical qualifications. The City shall pay coach for all
services to be performed by coach hereunder; terms described below.
1. PROGRAM FORMAT - The City of Los Altos Recreation Department, in cooperation
with the Los Altos Elementary School District, provides for an after-school sports program
at both Blach and Egan Junior High Schools. Blach and Egan participate in the Valley
Junior High School Athletic League, which includes schools in Los Altos, Mountain
View, Sunnyvale, Cupertino and Saratoga.
2. Coach understands that City may cancel this Agreement at any time should enrollment
be insufficient, or should funds or facilities become unavailable, or should the Coach
fail to perform the services to the satisfaction of the City and that the City shall not be
liable for compensation to the Coach for the remainder of the Agreement should be
3. It is understood and agreed that the Coach, in the performance of this contract, is an
independent contract coach and not an employee of the City of Los Altos. Coach
understands that he/she also represents the Los Altos School District when on their school
premises or escorting their students to away games.
4. LIABILITY - Coach agrees to be solely responsible for all hazards, damages and injuries,
which Coach, or his or her property, may receive in the course of performing this contract,
and waives all rights, whether known or unknown, to claim damages therefore from the City
of Los Altos or its officers, agents or employees.
5. Coach further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City of Los Altos and its
officers, agents and employees, free and harmless from any liabilities, claims or damages
caused by, arising out of, or in any relation to the performance by Coach of services or
otherwise relating to or arising from this Agreement.
6. Coach understands the City of Los Altos has no accident or Worker's Compensation
insurance for persons performing services as and independent Coach.
7. TERM – Coach agrees to accurately complete a contract per sport and provide it to the
Sport Coordinator at your school site prior to the beginning of the designated season. The
term of the contract shall be the length of the sport season scheduled by the Valley Junior
High School Athletic League, including all finals should the team advance.