The authorized representative of the applicant who will affix his or her digital signature above certifies that he or she has read, understood and will comply with all of the provisions of the Continuous Quality Improvement Plan. The
person approving this Continuous Quality Improvement Plan hereby certifies and assures the Illinois State Board of Education that the person submitting the document on behalf of the applicant has the necessary legal authority to do so.
Illinois State Board of Education, Division of Early Childhood September 2017
This report is due 30 days from the receipt of your compliance and ECERS-3 monitoring visit. Programs should choose 5 ECERS-3 areas of focus from the report.
Select indicators in which you score a 5 or under. One page for each area of your “focused five” will be completed. Comments in the follow up/reflection box will be
completed before you submit your plan in years two and three. Please view the CQIP instructional webinar and FAQ document for further instructions.
(1 of 5 ) ECERS-3 Area of Focus and Indicator #:
Responsible Staff Member (s):
Areas of Effectiveness – Indicated on ECERS-3 report or from self-assessment
Area for Growth & Improvement as indicated in ECERS-3 Report - Include Feedback
Identify Improvements and Professional Learning Opportunities
(use reflective questions from ECERS-3 report to help identify)
Note: This box is only for follow up and reflection as you begin to implement your plan. It should not be filled out when you submit your plan but should be filled
out in years two and three with follow up and reflection.
100 North First Street, E-225
Springeld, Illinois 62777-0001