I:\Building\SafetyPoliciesInformation\EdinaExtrasServer\Docx's\RESIDENTIAL SD01 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN.pdf
foundations, fences or lawns caused by excavation, demolition or construction activity. The report must be
approved by the Building Official. The permit holder must adhere to the approved plan(s).
(4) E
xisting condition of property. Before a permit is issued, the Building Official must photograph the existing
condition of the property, curbs, sidewalks, streets, boulevard and trees adjacent to the property.
(5) Wr
itten notification of demolition. For a demolition permit, at least fifteen (15) calendar days before demolition
commences, the permit holder must provide written notification to all property owners within three
hundred (300) feet of the demolition site notifying the property owners of the proposed demolition and
building plans, if applicable, and invite them to a neighborhood meeting. The neighborhood meeting must be
held at least five (5) days before demolition commences. A sign must also be posted on the demolition site at
least five (5) days before demolition commences identifying the nature of the demolition, the permit holder,
a contact name and phone number, and the site address. The sign must also provide a City phone number
to call with any questions, complaints or concerns. The dimension of the sign must be between five (5) and
six (6) square feet. The sign and the content of the sign must be visible from the street. The sign must be
kept in place until the completion of demolition.
(6) S
ignage of construction. For a building permit, a sign must be posted on the permit site at least five (5) days
before construction commences identifying the nature of the construction, the permit holder, a contact
name and phone number, and the site address. The sign must also provide a City phone number to call with
any questions, complaints or concerns. The dimension of the sign must be between five (5) and six (6)
square feet. The sign and the content of the sign must be visible from the street. The sign must be kept in
place until a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
(7) Stormwater and erosion control plans. For a building permit, the applicant must submit stormwater and erosion
control plans prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer. The plans must be approved by the
City Engineer and the permit holder must adhere to the approved plans. The stormwater management plan
must detail how stormwater will be controlled to prevent damage to adjacent property and adverse impacts
to the public stormwater drainage system. The erosion control plan must document how proper erosion
and sediment control will be maintained on a continual basis to contain on-site erosion and protect on and
off-site vegetation. Permit holder must protect all storm drain inlets with sediment capture devices at all
time during the project when soil disturbing activities may result in sediment laden storm water runoff
entering the inlet. The permit holder is responsible for preventing or minimizing the potential for unsafe
conditions, flooding, or siltation problems. Devices must be regularly cleaned out and emergency overflow
must be an integral part of the device to reduce the flooding potential. Devices must be placed to prevent
the creation of driving hazards or obstructions.
Sec. 1
0-111. Permit Standards for Both Demolition Permits and Building Permits
(a) T
he permit holder must comply with the State Building Code, State Statutes and the City Code, including
articles III, VI, VII and XVII of this Chapter.
(b) D
eliveries of equipment and material to the site, work crews on site and construction and demolition activity
are prohibited except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Work is prohibited on Sundays and Holidays.
(c) T
he permit holder must repair any damage to public property, streets, and sidewalks. If damage occurs to the
foregoing, it must be repaired within three (3) working days after the damage occurs, unless the permit
holder has received written permission from the Building Official to delay repairs to a later specified date.