7. UTILITIES. The Landlord shall be responsible for providing the following: ☐ - Water ☐ -
Electricity ☐ - Sewer ☐ - Cable ☐ - Internet ☐ - Heat ☐ - Trash Removal
☐ - Other ________________________________.
In addition, the Landlord shall provide the following appliances:
The Landlord agrees to keep the Premises in good condition and to repair any services
temporarily interrupted. Any damage caused by nature or any wear and tear shall not affect
the payment of rent by the Tenant as long as Landlord is pursuant to State laws.
8. PETS. The Landlord:
☐ - Allows pets on the property with an additional fee of $_____________.
☐ - Shall allow only a certain pet described as __________________________ with an
additional fee of $_____________.
☐ - Prohibits any type of pet on the Premises except for those used for special needs in
accordance with State or Federal law.
9. USE. The Tenant shall only be able to use the Premises for residential purposes.
10. POSSESSION. The Tenant shall obtain possession of the Premises on the start date stated
in Section 2. If not, the Tenant may seek damages from the Landlord. In addition, the
Tenant is required to take possession of the Premises within seven (7) days or be in default
of this Agreement and forfeit their Security Deposit with the Landlord.
11. CONDITION. Tenant understands that they will be accepting the Premises in its “as is”
condition. Tenant acknowledges that they have conducted a thorough inspection and found
it to be in good repair and condition for the use as a residence.
12. ALTERATIONS. Tenant shall maintain and keep in good condition all appliances,
furnishings (if any), and personal property until the end period. If the Tenant damages any
part of the Premises due to negligence the Landlord may fix the issue and charge the
Tenant additional rent. Tenant shall not paint the Premises or make any modifications
without the written consent of the Landlord.
13. LIABILITY. The Landlord is not liable for any loss or damage to the Tenant’s, or their
guests, personal property unless the loss is a direct result of the Landlord’s action. The
Tenant is liable for the acts of anyone listed in this Agreement in addition to any guest that
they should allow on the Premises.
14. ENTRY. Per State law the Landlord has the right to enter the property by giving the Tenant
proper notice for any repair, inspection, extermination, installation, or any entry deemed
necessary. The Landlord will have the right to show the Premises to prospective Lessee’s
at the end of the Agreement’s term with notice being given prior to every entry.