Conditional Use Permit (CUP)?
The City of Yukon Ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for certain uses of land and or types of
businesses which are not allowed as a matter of right in a particular zoned district.
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit requires a public hearing before the Planning Commission. Notice of the
hearing is mailed to property owners within a quarter (1/4) mile of the affected property or area . Oklahoma State
law requires twenty (20) days’ notice of the public hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the
City of Yukon.
What are the submittal requirements for a Conditional Use Permit?
The application package for a Conditional Use Permit includes the following:
* A submitted application will be considered incomplete until all of the below is submitted with a completed
application form.
Completed and signed Conditional Use Permit Application
Transmittal/Submittal Letter
Filing Fee $200.00 (Cash or Check: all checks made out to City of Yukon)
One (1) copy of a certified property owners list of all property within a quarter (1/4) of a mile of the property.
Elevation of the site with building height, materials & roof top design.
Legal description of property
Plot Plan or site plan (including, existing & proposed development, with building foot prints, parking stalls,
aisles, loading & unloading area and docks with truck turning radii, driveways, curb cuts, commercial
landscaping, fencing, retaining walls, signage, lighting, dumpster location & screening, adjacent streets,
sidewalks, building setbacks) One copy of the site plan at 11 x 8.5.
Any drawings or other supporting material (photographs, brochures, etc.)
Statement as to the proposal and purpose of the requested conditional use permit.
Publication Fee $200.00 (Cash or Check: all checks made out to City of Yukon)
The request is considered at a public Planning Commission Meeting the second Monday of every month unless other-
wise noted. Approval is contingent of the following items:
1. Conformity to plans & drawing submitted with the application
2. Special yards, open spaces, buffer strips, walls, fences, concealing hedges, landscaping
3. Volume of traffic generated, vehicular movements within the site, & points of vehicular ingress & egress.
4. Performance characteristics, related to the emission of noise, vibration 7 other potentially dangerous or
objectionable elements.
5. Limit on time of day for the conduct of specified activities.
6. The period within which the permit shall be exercised, or otherwise shall lapse.
7. Guarantees as to compliance with the terms of approval.
Appeal Procedure:
Within fifteen (15) days of the action of the Planning Commission the applicant shall file with the City Council a
written request for hearing before the City Council. The City Clerk shall notify all interested parties of record of the
time and place of the City Council Meeting.