(Submission Questionnaire)
LAB Number: ____________
Under what lawful authority was this evidence seized?
Search Warrant Court Order Consent Other (Specify):
Condition of the computer at the time of seizure? ON OFF
Was any attempt made to access the computer (i.e., turn it on or remove anything from it)? NO YES
If yes, explain actions taken:
Describe in detail the incident and how the computer may have been used in the crime:
(Attach a copy of the investigative report, if available)
List the date(s) or a date range that should be searched:
List key words and/or specific items to be searched for during forensic processing:
List any passwords that may have been used and are known to you:
List any screen names, user names, e-mail addresses, etc. that are pertinent to the search:
Note: Any media containing contraband, including evidence hard drives and CDs and discs
prepared by the State Crime Laboratory, should not be disseminated to anyone other than law
enforcement in connection with an official investigation and should not be returned to the
subjects from which it was confiscated.
Computer Forensics Supplement
North Carolina State Crime Laboratory
Version 1
Effective Date: 7/10/2015
Form approved for use by:
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Timothy G.
Digitally signed by Timothy G. Suggs
DN: cn=Timothy G. Suggs, o=North
Carolina State Crime Laboratory,
ou=Quality Manager,, c=US
Date: 2015.07.10 14:23:46 -04'00'
click to sign
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