You may use this form to provide your complaint information and summary. Be as concise as
possible. You may mail or fax this completed form, to the Board at the above
address or fax number, or you may e-mail this form to Administrative Assistant, Norma Perkins
at nperkins@medboard.nv.gov. You will receive a written response from the Board once your
complaint has been reviewed and processed.
Your Name: Gender: ____ M / ____ F
Phone Number(s):
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Patient Name: Gender: ____ M / ____ F
Patient Date of Birth:
Physician(s), Physician Assistant(s), Practitioner(s) of Respiratory Care, Perfusionists named
in Complaint:
1) Name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number(s):
2) Name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number(s):
3) Name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number(s):
9600 Gateway Drive, Reno, NV 89521
Phone: In Reno/Sparks/Carson City: (775) 688-2559
(If calling from any other area of Nevada, call the Board's in-state, toll-free number:
888-890-8210) Fax: (775) 688-2553