The community Trigger is a process you can use to ask agencies to review their response to anti-social behaviour or
hate incidents you have reported. To use this process, you must meet the Trigger threshold, which is set at:
“If you (as an individual) have complained to the Council, Police or a Registered Housing Provider (social
landlord) about three separate incidents in the last six months and you consider there has been no action
If you meet the threshold, please complete the form as fully as possible. If the incident / matter does not meet the
threshold, then the matter can still be reported as an incident of ASB, and this will be actioned as a normal complaint
and followed up. To submit the form, or an incident of ASB, please email
If the matter is an emergency, please contact the relevant emergency service, police, fire or ambulance, on 999.
Contact Details
Please provide your details so that we can contact you. If you are completing the form on behalf of a friend or a client
of your service, please provide details of the person affected by the situation. We will use this to ask any further
questions or provide feedback on your referral as necessary.
including Post
Which of these best describe you?
Council Tenant (include leasehold) Private Tenant Owner Occupier Housing
Other Please Specify: ________________________________________________________________
If you are a tenant, please provide us with your landlord’s name or the name of the contact officer, and any contact
details you hold for them:
Incident Details
Please provide details of the three separate incidents that have occurred in the last 6 months and been reported
Incident One