Revised 08/2016 – Paper Application for LCSW by Endorsement 1
Department of Health Professions
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463
(804) 367-4441
Website - http://www.dhp.virginia.gov/social
Upon completion of the LCSW by Endorsement application you will be required to submit to the Board office the following
Fee: A $165.00 application fee must be paid by check or money order made payable to the “Treasurer of Virginia”.
This fee is non-refundable. The application can be used for one year from date of receipt.
Out-of-State Licensure Verification: If you have ever held any other health or mental health licensure and/or
certification, please send the enclosed verification form to the issuing jurisdiction. This verification is to be
completed by the issuing jurisdiction and should be included in your application packet. Verifications older than six
month will not be accepted.
Online verifications will be accepted; however online verifications must include the name of licensee, title of
license, license number, issue and expiration date, and if there is any public information related to the
Clinical Scores: If you have passed the ASWB clinical exam in another state, please request the official score
report from the Association of Social Work Boards (“ASWB”) by calling (800) 225-6880. Your exam scores will
be sent directly from the ASWB to the Virginia Board of Social Work electronically.
Note: If you have not passed the ASWB clinical exam, Virginia can grant approval to take the examination.
You will be subject to the requirements outlined in 18 VAC 140-20-70 of the Regulations Governing the
Practice of Social Work.
Verification of Post-Licensure Active Practice/Supervision Experience:
To validate your active post-licensure practice as an independent clinical social worker, you must submit the
Post-Licensure Active Practice form completed by your employer, a colleague, peer or a licensed practitioner
who can attest to your post-licensure active practice in clinical social work for 24 of the last 60 months. If you
have had several jobs, please submit multiple verification forms equaling to a minimum of 24 months.
In lieu of the active practice form listed above, you must provide evidence of supervised experience
requirements substantially equivalent to those outlined in 18VAC140-20-50. You can provide any of the
following documentation if you do not have 24 out of the past 60 months:
o Verification of Clinical Supervision Form (can be found within the supporting documentation below);
o Supervision Verification from the original state in which you received your clinical license, which can
be provided by submitting a copy of your licensure file which contains your original supervision
Name Change: Documentation must be provided if your name has legally changed through marriage, divorce, or a
court order. A photocopy of your marriage license or a copy of the court order must be provided.
NPDB Self-Query: a current report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Practitioners
Data Bank (NPDB) must be submitted. You may request a self-query at https://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/.