Please fill out and return with the Commission Application:
1. What do you see as some of the significant planning issues facing the community in the next few years?
2. What special skill or knowledge will you bring to the commission?
a. Do you have any paid or unpaid experience in planning?
3. What do you believe is the responsibility of a Planning Commissioner to the Community and what is staff
and the community’s role in shaping community vision?
4. Planning Commissioners are often asked to weigh the potential economic or social benefits of a
development proposal with the concern of existing, nearby residents who are affected by the development
proposals. Frequently, at a public hearing, you will hear testimony only from those opposed to the project.
What are your thoughts on this potential conflict and how would you respond as a Planning Commissioner?
The Planning Commission is composed of seven commissioners serving staggered two-year terms.
Commissioners are appointed by the City Council and receive a stipend of $80 per month. The Planning
Commission participates in the administration of the planning laws and policies of the City. It is responsible for
recommending to the City Council ordinances and resolutions necessary to implement the General Plan and
adopted development policy. The Commission also conducts necessary public hearings to administer the
planning laws and policies of the City and acts upon applications for zoning amendments, conditional use
permits, variances, subdivisions, and other related functions.