Community and Neighborhood Development Advisory Board (CNDAB)
Full Name Preferred First Name
Name of others in household, if applicable Home TelephoneYears lived in Dayton
Home Address City Zip Code
Business/Association Affiliation Position/Title
Work Telephone
Business/Association Address City Zip Code
1. Personal Data
2. Reason for Applying
Please indicate the area(s) of expertise that you can bring to the CNDAB, and then in detail list the reasons for your interest, and other
factors that support your interest in serving on the Board.
Years worked in Dayton
At-Large Member Application
3. Commitment to the Community
Please list any professional, community, church, or civic affiliations, including any office, committee, or leadership positions and the time
of your affiliation.
5. Experience
Describe your present job or volunteer position, responsibilities, and how long you have held this position.
6. Education
Please list schools, fields of study, degrees received, conferences and/or training programs you have attended.
4. Ability to Set and Achieve Goals
Describe your most significant career, civic or personal achievement. Please be specific, including the primary goals set, how it was
achieved, and your responsibility in establishing and achieving this goal.
Have you ever served previously on the Community and Neighborhood Development Advisory Board?
If so, what affiliation did you represent and when:
7. Low- to Moderate-Income Representative (Optional)
Do you represent an agency that serves low- and moderate-income populations?
Yes No
Does your household qualify as low- or moderate-income, based upon the 2015 HUD income limits listed below?
(Income must be at or below amount listed for your household size)
Yes No
8. Bilingual Representative (Optional)
Is the applicant bilingual and does the applicant represent a non-English speaking population?
Yes No
2017 HUD Income Limits - Montgomery County, Ohio
Household Size
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Annual Income
$36,800 $42,050 $47,300 $52,550 $56,800 $61,000 $65,200 $69,400
* Income Category: Low-Income (80% of Area Median Income)
If so, please list the agency below:
If so, which language and which population?
9. Additional Information (Optional)
Please include any additional information you feel is relevant to this application:
I hereby submit my application for membership to the Community and Neighborhood Development Advisory Board. By providing an
electronic signature (type your name) below I certify that the information submitted within this application is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge.
Enter Electronic Signature
Return to the attention of:
City of Dayton
Erin Jeffries
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
101 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45402
Telephone: (937) 333-3863
Fax #: (937) 333-4281
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