Illinois Department of Revenue
CMFT-1 County Motor Fuel Tax Return
Account ID: ______________________ Reporting Period: __________________________________
Owner’s name: _________________________________________________________________________
Business name: _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _________________________________________________________________________
Step 1: Figure your taxable gallons
1 Total gallons sold - Enter the number of gallons of motor fuel subject to County Motor Fuel Tax that
you sold at retail. (Report only retail sales on this line.) 1 ___________________
2 Deductible gallons
Enter the number of gallons of motor fuel you sold to organizations
that are exempt from paying County Motor Fuel Tax. 2a __________________
b Other deductible gallons allowed by law
Enter the number of gallons 2b __________________
3 Total deductible gallons (Add Line 2a and Line 2b.) 3 ___________________
4 Taxable gallons (Subtract Line 3 from Line 1.) 4 ___________________
Step 2: Figure your net tax and discount
Taxable gallons sold
5 Enter the taxable gallons sold in Line 5a. Multiply Line 5a by the
applicable rate, and enter the result in Line 5b. See instructions.
(Note: For multiple site filers, these totals come from Form CMFT-2.
Attach Form CMFT-2 to your Form CMFT-1.) 5a ___________________ 5b $__________________
Taxable gallons sold at prior rate
6 Enter the taxable gallons sold at a prior rate in Line 6a. Multiply
Line 6a by the applicable rate, and enter the result in Line 6b. See
instructions. (Note: For multiple site filers, these totals come from
Form CMFT-2. Attach Form CMFT-2 to your Form CMFT-1.) 6a ___________________ 6b $__________________
7 Net County Motor Fuel Tax due (Add Line 5b and Line 6b.) 7 $__________________
If you qualify for the retailer’s discount, multiply Line 7 by the applicable rate. (See instructions.)
8 $__________________
9 Net County Motor Fuel Tax due (Subtract Line 8 from Line 7.) 9 $__________________
10 Enter excess County Motor Fuel Tax collected 10 $__________________
11 Total County Motor Fuel Tax due (Add Line 9 and Line 10.) 11 $__________________
Step 3: Figure your payment due
12 Enter credit amount 12 $__________________
13 Payment due (Subtract Line 12 from Line 11.) 13 $__________________
Make your payment to “Illinois Department of Revenue”.
Step 4: Sign below
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this return and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.
Taxpayer’s signature Phone
Preparer’s signature Phone
Mail your completed return and payment to:
PO BOX 19034
SPRINGFIELD, IL 62794-9034
Rev 03 Form 024
E S ____/____/____
Do not write above this line.
CMFT-1 (R-07/20)
This form is authorized by the County Motor Fuel Tax Law. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED.
Failure to provide information may result in this form not being processed and may result in penalty.
You must round your figures to
whole numbers. (See instructions.)
Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois - Web only, One copy
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