State of California — Health and Human Services Agency Department of Health Care Services
Substance Use Disorders Compliance Division
Licensing and Certification Section, MS 2600
PO Box 997413
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
Have you ever been told you had problems with your thyroid gland, been treated for, or told
you need to be treated for, any
other type of glandular disease? If yes, please give details:
Do you currently have any lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis?
If yes, please give details:
Have you ever had kidney stones or kidney infections, or had problems, or been told you have
problems with your kidneys or bladder? If yes, please give details:
Do you have any of the following; arthritis, back problems, bone injuries, muscle injuries, or
joint injuries? If yes, please give details, including any ongoing pain or disabilities:
Do you take over the counter pain medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen? If yes,
list the medication(s) and how often you take it:
Do you take over the counter digestive medications such as Tums or Maalox? If yes, list the
medication(s) and how often you take it:
DHCS 5103 (06/16) Health Questionnaire and Initial Screening Form Page 5