Records Office
Processed by:______________________________________Date:_____________________
er reinstated, notify:
□ Student □ Instructor
processed after the nonattendance date, notify:
□ Financial Aid
Students with courses dropped for non-payment or removed for non-attendance can request reinstatement
of the original course schedule as verified on a registration audit history. New courses cannot be added as
part of the reinstatement process. Each course must have an available seat.
This form must be completed by both the student and instructor and submitted to the Records office for
reinstatement. Forms may be emailed from the student to instructor for signature. Completed forms may be
emailed to records@gadsdenstate.edu
for processing.
___________________________ ______________________ ____________________
Student Name Student ID Term
urse to reinstate:
___________ _______________________
CRN Course Name
By signing, I acknowledge I am responsible for any and all charges incurred by this schedule reinstatement regardless of financial
aid status.
________________________________________________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date
ructor Approval:
____________________ should be reinstated in ________________________________________
Student Name CRN & Course Name
I v
erify this student attended the above course on ______________________________
Student’s Date of Attendance
________________________________________________________________ ______________________
Instructor Signature Date
Instructor Email Address
g a d s d e n
s t a t e
c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e
click to sign
click to edit