Please provide your material fee information in the space provided. Complete one form for each class
you are offering.
A list of materials including the prices will need to be submitted with your class
proposal form.
Staff will review and approve each material fee. Failure to submit the material fee proposal form will
result in your material fee not being listed in the activity guide and you may not charge the fee for the
Material Fees
Material fees are fees that are charged to the participant separate to the class fee by the instructor.
Material Fees are for supplies that the instructor requires the participant to have in order to
participate in the class. Material fees are collected by the instructor for expendable supplies for
students; i.e. craft supplies, handouts, film, camp t-shirts, printing of photos or equipment retained
by the student (one-time use items). Material fees should not be collected for cost relating to services
required for general operation of the class such as:
• Allowance for maintenance, depreciation and replacement of instructional equipment i.e.
scissors, music, insurance premiums, sports equipment, etc., as these supplies are necessary
expenditures of doing business for multiple class sessions and should be included in the class
• Salaries, wages of additional instructors
• Costs associated with general facility use i.e. rental fees of location, electricity, etc.
Material Fee Breakdown
In order to determine if your material fee falls under the policy, please provide a breakdown and list of
materials and fees. Please include proof of pricing: