The provisions of Section 11B-202.4 Exception 8 apply to existing buildings or facilities used as public
buildings, public accommodations, commercial buildings or public housing. When these buildings or facilities
undergo alterations, structural repairs, or additions, an accessible path of travel must be provided to the
specific area of construction.
When the adjusted construction cost
of alterations, structural repairs, or additions to existing
buildings and facilities within three years of the original alteration exceeds a valuation threshold of
$170,466.00 the cost of compliance with Section 11B-202.4 of the 2019 California Building Code shall be a
minimum of 20% of the adjusted construction cost of alterations, structural repairs or additions.
In choosing which accessible elements to provide, priority should be given to those elements that will provide
the greatest access in the following order:
1. An accessible entrance
2. An accessible rout
e to the area of alteration, structural repair, or addition (see definition of accessible route
Section 202 & 11B-206.2.1 for more information on accessible routes and site arrival points);
3. At least one access
ible restroom for each sex serving the area of alteration, structural repair or addition;
4. Accessible telephones,
if provided, serving the area of alteration, structural repair, or addition;
5. Accessible drink
ing fountains, if provided, serving the area of alteration, structural repair, or addition; and
6. When possible, additi
onal accessible elements such as additional parking, storage, signs and alarms.
Please complete the attached worksheet, and prepare a site and floor plan of the existing and proposed
accessibility improvements along the accessible route to the area of alteration that shall be submitted to the
Building Division in duplicate, prior to completing your plan review. One copy of the approval or denial of the
unreasonable hardship request will be returned to the applicant.
Please note, this request for hardship is subject to the approval of the Building Official.
Additionally, barrier removal is an instant and ongoing obligation for ADA compliance and this application
does not exempt the applicant of any obligations to remove barriers in a reasonable time frame. By
signing this report, you understand this 20% is for this addition/alteration alone, and for State of California
compliance only.
Adjusted cost of construction does not include the cost of alterations to path of travel elements required to be upgraded
outside the area of alteration, structural repair, or addition.
BUILDING DIVISION (714) 961-7120
2020 Request for Construction Hardship For Projects Exceeding $170,466.00
REVISED 05/10/2019
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