The Plan Examiners' reserve the right to call for any other additional information at time of filing.
1. Complete and file Building Short Form (Temporary Structures Permit Type) per General Filing Instructions.
2. Licensed Electrician must file Building Short Form (Electrical Permit Type) if electrical lighting or power circuitry are
being installed.
3. Certificate for Flame Resistance shall be provided for all tents.
4. Provide a plot plan for all tent installations showing size dimensions, distances from other structures, paths of egress,
table & chair layout, etc.
5. During winter months, if gas-fired propane heaters are provided, then a separate Mechanical permit would also be required.
6. When applying, applicants shall get in touch with the Fire Prevention Bureau at 422-6313. (This Department will send a copy
of the application and Certificate(s) of flame resistance to Fire Prevention for review.)
7. A field inspection is required for all tent installations. Applicants are advised to have tents installed no later than noon Friday,
where weekend affairs are involved. This is necessary to afford our staff adequate time to conduct the field inspection and to
avoid the additional fee that would otherwise be charged for a Saturday inspection.
8. Provide Date of Event, Time & Tent put up Date on the Plot Plan and in "Work Description " line of Building Short Form.