70 Church Street, White Plains, New York 10601
Phone: (914) 422 - 1269 * Fax: (914) 422 - 1471
Hot Water/Heat requirements 04/13
The City of White Plains enforces the following standards as articulated in the Property Maintenance Code of New York State.
Water Heating Facilities- PMCNYS Section 505.4:
Heat Supply - PMCNYS Section 602.3:
Occupiable work spaces - PMCNYS Section 602.4:
1. Water heating facilities shall be properly installed, maintained and capable of providing an adequate amount of
water to be drawn at every required sink, lavatory, bathtub, shower and laundry facility at a temperature of not less
than 110 degrees Farenheit.
2. A fuel-burning water heater shall not be located in any bathroom, toilet room, bedroom or other occupied room
normally kept closed, unless adequate combustion air is provided.
3. An approved combination temperature and pressure-relief valve and relief valve discharge pipe shall be properly
installed and maintained on water heaters.
1. Every owner and operator of any building who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling unit, rooming unit,
dormitory or guestroom on terms, either expressed or implied, to furnish heat to the occupants thereof shall supply
heat during the period from September 15th to May 31st to maintain a temperature of not less than 68 degrees
Farenheit in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and toilet rooms.
1. Indoor occupiable work spaces shall be supplied with heat during the period from September 15th to May 31st
to maintain a temperature of not less tha 65 degrees Farenheit during the period the spaces are occupied.