The City of Socorro Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each
month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall. All meetings are
open to the public. Public comment is allowed on most scheduled agenda items at the
time each item is scheduled on the agenda. An agenda of City Council Meetings
will be posted at City Hall and on the City website http://socorronm.gov at least
three days before each scheduled meeting, and the yearly schedule of meetings for the
City Council may be found on the City website.
Members of the public desiring to present matters to the council on the public agenda
must submit a request in writing to the office of the City Clerk by Friday at twelve
noon, two weeks prior to the City Council meeting. This can be done in person,
regular mail, fax or e-mail. The request forms are located in the City Clerk’s office and
on the City website http://socorronm.gov
. The City Clerk will confirm with the individual
that the request was received and notify them of the date when their request will be
scheduled on the City Commission agenda.
Unscheduled Communications
No action will be taken relative to items on the Unscheduled Communications other than
referral for information.
Other Agenda Information
Requests to appear will be placed on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
The Mayor may set a time limit on comments.
Members of the public desiring to present matters to the City Council on the
agenda must submit a request in writing to the office of the City Clerk prior to
Friday at twelve noon two weeks prior to the City Council meeting. The
request should state the name of the individual(s) desiring to be heard and the
matter to be presented.
This request must be submitted with any documents you plan to present to the
Commission. Please submit only one copy, which is one sided and with no
staples. We will scan the document for the Agenda Book.
Item requests may be referred to appropriate staff for mediation prior to being
placed on the agenda.
Matters pertaining to personnel, litigation and violations of laws and ordinances
are excluded from the agenda.
Decorum is mandatory.