Property Owner (Owner) or Authorized (Agent) and the City of Santa Barbara mutually agree as
1. The City of Santa Barbara shall leave water service on from the time a tenant requests water
service to be terminated until a new tenant has arranged for service in accordance with the City
of Santa Barbara rules and regulation.
2. Owner or agent shall promptly pay water bills including service charges during times of vacancy.
A charge of no more than $47 (subject to annual increases) shall be levied on the owner each
time the account is transferred into the owner’s name.
3. Owner or agent is responsible for informing new tenants of their need to arrange with the City of
Santa Barbara water billing office for the transfer of the water service account into their
individual names at the time of occupancy.
4. The City of Santa Barbara agrees that on receipt of notification from a current tenant to terminate
service, the meter(s) shall be read on the agreed termination date or no later than two (2) working
days after receipt of notification. The meter readings taken shall be used to bill the terminating
tenant and also as a base to start billing the owner or agent.
5. In the event of a simultaneous request for termination of service from the current tenant and a
request for turn-on of service from a new tenant, the account shall pass from the current to the
new tenant without being subject to the provisions of the agreement.
6. Owner or agent must maintain good credit with the City of Santa Barbara to continue service
under this agreement. Should water bills rendered to the owner or agent for this or any other
account not be paid in a timely manner and/or require collection activity, this agreement may be
terminated immediately by the City of Santa Barbara.
7. This agreement does not prevent discontinuation of service due to a tenant’s nonpayment of bills.
In the event of nonpayment or unauthorized usage by the tenant, or if the water meter is found to
be tampered with, water service to the premises will be terminated.
8. This agreement shall remain in effect until owner or agent or the City of Santa Barbara notifies
the other in writing of their intent to terminate this agreement. Termination of agreement shall
become effective within ten (10) working days after giving written notice.
9. In the event owner or agent is a corporation, partnership, joint venture or group of individuals,
the signer of this agreement certifies by his/her signature that he/she has the authority to bind the
corporation, partners, joint venture or individuals in this manner.