FY 2020 CDBG Application
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5. Project Goals and Beneficiaries
A. Type of Activity (Select one of the following) (0-10 points)
___ Housing (10 points)
___ Economic Development (10 points)
___ Public Facilities/Public Improvements (10 points)
___ Public Services (5 points)
___ Homeless housing and support (10 points)
Public Service Activity (0-10 points):
___ Existing Service (duplication of current services) (5 points)
___ New Service (non-duplication of current service) (10 points)
___ Quantifiable increase to an existing service (10 points)
Project Beneficiaries (0-10 points) - Provide an estimate of the total numbers expected to be
served for those categories applicable to the proposed project.
___ Over 100 Persons/Households/Businesses (10 points)
___ 51 to 100 Persons/Households/Businesses (7 points)
___ Less than 50 Persons/Households/Businesses (5 points)
6. Proposed Project Budget (0-10 points)
*Keep in mind that your entire budget request may not be funded.*
A. Project Budget Sheet
List other funding obtained or solicited for this project (including other public funds, private funds, and
foundations). All projects must include funding from other sources. Due to the limited amount of HUD
dollars available, no agency’s project can be 100% CDBG funded.