P.A.C.E. Preservation & Community
Enhancement Grant Program
Part A: Introduction
Applicant’s Name_______________________________________________________________
Owner or Business Name (If different than applicant)___________________________________
Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________
E-mail_____________________________________ Phone_________________________
Project Overview:
Property Physical Address________________________________________, Madison, IN 47250
Total Cost of Project: ________________ Amount of Grant Requested: ________________
Estimated Date of Completion of Work: ___________________________
____ Rehabilitation Grant ____ Dilapidated Structures Grant ____ Dangerous Buildings Grant
____ Downtown ____ Hilltop
Applicant must read and initial the following:
_____ I understand that the grant funds must be used only for the project described in this
application. The work must be completed within twelve (12) months of the date that the
grant is awarded. If a project is not completed the recipient(s) may request an extension
to the City of Madison Board of Works and Safety.
_____ I understand that a failure to complete any project may result in the City of Madison
placing a lien on the property in order to recover grant monies in the amount of monies
received by Recipient(s).
_____ I understand that if any plans to the project change or if the contractor changes, I must
notify the Preservation Coordinator.
_____ I understand that all property taxes must be current and that there cannot be any
current tax liens against the property or current litigation between the City of Madison
and the applicant. I understand that if one of these is not true, my application will not be
considered for funds.
I certify that I have read the P.A.C.E. Program Guidelines and that all required documents are
included in my final application packet.
________________________________________________ ________________
Applicant(s) Signature Date