City of Eloy Manufactured Home General Provisions, Chapter 21-Zoning, Section 2.7.7:
A. The manufactured home overlay zoning district may be combined with any of the underlying single-family
residential zoning districts. The provisions of the underlying zoning district shall govern the density, area,
building and yard regulations. Compliance with all other provisions of this Chapter shall likewise be required.
B. Manufactured homes shall meet the current HUD code standards, all regulations of the Arizona Department
of Housing/Manufactured Housing Division, as well as compliance with all the provisions outlined in
Subsection 21-133A of this division. No manufactured home constructed prior to July 15, 1976, shall be
allowed in the City of Eloy.
On the date of application for a building/installation permit to replace a manufactured home, the
manufactured home to be placed shall have been constructed within ten (10) years subsequent to the
construction of the existing manufactured home it will replace. If the manufactured home is to be placed on
a space for the first time, it shall have been constructed no earlier than ten (10) years prior to the date of
application. If a space has been vacant at least three hundred sixty-five (365) consecutive days, the
manufactured home shall lose all nonconforming status and shall be replaced with a manufactured home
constructed no earlier than ten (10) years prior to the date of application.
D. Compliance with all other provisions of this Ch
apter such as, but not limited to, the general provisions, parking
regulations, signage, and outdoor lighting, shall be required.
E. The exterior building façade, including trim, doors, windows, roof fascia’s and the like, shall consist of wood,
stucco, horizontal siding, brick, masonry veneer, or other similar building material commonly used in site-built
residential construction; provided, however, that metal siding, other than aluminum lap siding, shall be prohibited.
Patio covers and detached storage buildings shall be exempt from this requirement.
F. All manufactured homes placed in a subdivision or on a single tract of land shall be set upon a permanent
foundation or footing for the purpose of a permanent installation. Such installation shall render the dwelling no
more portable than if it were constructed on site.
G. All manufactured homes placed in a manufactured home park shall utilize a finished building material to surround
the entire perimeter of the dwelling and completely enclose the space between the exterior façade of the dwelling
and the ground (skirting). Such foundation siding shall be properly vented, harmonious, and compatible with the
H. Any device used to transport a manufactured home to the site of installation, including the hitch, wheels, axles, or
other devices used primarily for transport other than a chassis, shall be detached from the dwelling as part of the
installation procedure on the subject lot in any zoning district.
evised 7/19