Food and Beverage Tax Registration Form
Business DBA Name
Location Address **
City State Zip
Phone Number Fax
Illinois Business Tax (IBT) # Date Opened
Corporate/Partnership Name and address if different from above:
Corp/Partnership Name
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Phone Number Fax
Type of Organization Sole Proprietorship Corporation
Partnership Other (specify)
Owner (s), Corporate Officers, or Partners:
Name Title Address
**Multiple location address listing
Store name/address Phone Location Manager
Under penalties as provided by law, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
information on this form is true, correct and complete.
_____________________________________ ______________
Signature of Applicant Date
Mail completed form to:
City of Decatur
Name and title Auditor
#1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza
Decatur, IL 62523
Rev. 0904
Reset Form