If yes, please explain:
If the job posting listed a driver's license or commercial driver's license as required for the job, please answer the following:
Do you have a valid Ohio driver's license? Yes ! No !
Do you presently have a valid Ohio commercial driver's license? Yes ! No !
If not, are you able to obtain an Ohio commercial driver’s license? Yes ! No !
Has your driver's license been suspended or revoked within the last three (3) years? Yes ! No !
Have you had any traffic violations in the past three (3) years? Yes ! No !
If yes, please list:
If employed, why do you wish to leave your present employer?
May we contact your present employer for a reference? Yes ! No !
Describe briefly the type of work which you are best qualified to do by reason of background, education, previous employment or training, and
tell why you feel qualified for the position(s) for which you are applying:
List professional organization memberships and offices held, excluding those which would indicate race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, political affiliation, disability and/or ancestry: